By Invitation Only


I don't plan to make it past 40.


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I already got yelled at today because she threatened to punch a boy in the face on the playground at the ballgame


Everytime I see her picture, I always think to myself, damn pal you're going to be a grandfather early or you're going to be having to take her to Cabelas to get her first gun real soon.

I feel sorry for the first little punk that pisses you or her off.


Retired 23 years

Everytime I see her picture, I always think to myself, damn pal you're going to be a grandfather early or you're going to be having to take her to Cabelas to get her first gun real soon.

I feel sorry for the first little punk that pisses you or her off.
If I was a betting man I would pick the first option.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.

Everytime I see her picture, I always think to myself, damn pal you're going to be a grandfather early or you're going to be having to take her to Cabelas to get her first gun real soon.

I feel sorry for the first little punk that pisses you or her off.
Well actually she put her fists up and said wanna fight? Me and her do this all of the time. The little boy went bawling to his mom and I thought she’d actually hit him. Lol the mom got a hard eye roll

Wife’s family has been gun dealers for years. Her dad actually has full on machine guns because he has the license. My brother in law has already picked out her first gun and says she’s getting it for her 5th birthday lol

She’s got an ex marine uncle and one that was army that shoots in long distance competitions 1000+ yards. The back 40 of the farm is essentially a gun range.

She’ll be just fine. Lol


Retired 23 years
Keep it up pops, I know Dave's last name. I could probably find him and convince him to come back on to offer you his words of wisdom.
Bring him on. That's one of the few reasons I stick around here -- because I promised him years ago that I would be around here a lot longer than he was and I'm not 100% sure he's gone yet.


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I do! Sucks with cheap, bendy Chinese nails.
Hey pal, glad to see you are in a little better spirits.

I'm glad it's not just me. Been forever since I had to nail something with a hammer but recently I was forced to install a new door jamb and the nails I bought, I thought were decent, kept bending. I was like, "I know how to swing a hammer WTF is going on?" Just had to slow down a bit.

After you posted this, I looked at my box of nails.

Made in China...


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Not in the fancy touch screen machine @ Jack in the Box either.
There are a few places around here that have it in the fountain but I don't get to them much. There are a few places that sell it in cans but I either miss them when they are stocked or forget to look when I am out.