By Invitation Only


nowhere special


Retired 23 years
@scooby0048 not trying to rub your face in it but this is one awesome collection.

View attachment 272892
My Dad had a collection like that-all Griswold stuff. Then again my Dad had a collection of everything. The American Pickers would have had a field day at his place. He passed away a few years before their show came out. Rather than try to divide up all his different collections between us 3 brothers we decide to just have an auction and split the money. We did split up his favorite collection (antique typewriters and brass cash registers). In hind sight we have all agreed we should have kept more.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
My Dad had a collection like that-all Griswold stuff. Then again my Dad had a collection of everything. The American Pickers would have had a field day at his place. He passed away a few years before their show came out. Rather than try to divide up all his different collections between us 3 brothers we decide to just have an auction and split the money. We did split up his favorite collection (antique typewriters and brass cash registers). In hind sight we have all agreed we should have kept more.
Coulda, shoulda, woulda.