By Invitation Only


nowhere special

The best opening monologue EVER! Ricky Gervais is my new hero. Lol.


nowhere special
No idea. I never watch those shows. We were at my parents for dinner and they had it on. Saw about the first 15 min is all
I never watch them either. Entertainment industry giving each other participation trophies while they push their liberal agendas. Nobody is supposed to stray off the plantation like Gervais did.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
I haven't watched an awards show in a hundred years but that monologue was great.
I’m all for people getting paid whatever they can more power to them. Athletes making 30 mil per year I tip my cap. But Hollywood is the most overpaid group in my opinion. Sure there’s a few really great actors but for the most part there’s 10’s of thousands of every day people that could do what they do.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
I wish I could get my son to eat mac and cheese.
She worries more about the pickles at this place. We have to ask for a plate that’s just pickles lol.

We took my best friends kids with us Saturday to dinner and a trampoline park. They wanted pizza the place we went has a salad bar that’s really good. Ava asks for a salad bar trip. Both his kids were like gross. Then the bowls came and his daughter decided she wanted some. She got lettuce and cheese but no dressing and pudding. Grabs a piece of lettuce and starts chewing. Spits. It out and screams gross it tastes like grass. Lmao