By Invitation Only


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
We're like brothers from another mother. As soon as I saw the picture, I said to myself, Scoob would panic if he couldn't do 7 laps of my outskirts of the yard to find the perfect poop spot as close to the patio as he can.
Then the dog ends up going to some special vet for their “anxiety”


Retired 23 years
I thought us boomers just buy new vehicles?
That's what I do. I haven't had a rusty vehicle since the 70's. I take that back. In the 90's I owned 2 early 70's Broncos and both of them turned into rust buckets. In Mn. you won't find a rust free Bronco or Scout anywhere unless its been purchased from out of state.


Well-Known Member
My son-in-law has about twice that much grass for a front yard in Texas. The back yard is all pool-hot tub and a water fall with stonework and some cement. He hires 2 Mexicans to do the yard work twice a month. I doubt he would know which end of a mower to push.

Sounds like he's brainless...

Well you know what they say.. daughters marry their fathers.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
That's what I do. I haven't had a rusty vehicle since the 70's. I take that back. In the 90's I owned 2 early 70's Broncos and both of them turned into rust buckets. In Mn. you won't find a rust free Bronco or Scout anywhere unless its been purchased from out of state.
I own two and we lease one.


nowhere special