By Invitation Only


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
I remember getting sucked into the marketing of Pepsi as a tween/teen. Drank a lot of that crap for points and things like a Pepsi jersey.

Didn’t drink it for years til probably my mid 20’s and thought oh I’ll try a Pepsi. I spit it back out and threw away the rest of the 12 pack. No idea how I ever drank that crap.


nowhere special
How do you miss a vacuum?

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
I remember getting sucked into the marketing of Pepsi as a tween/teen. Drank a lot of that crap for points and things like a Pepsi jersey.

Didn’t drink it for years til probably my mid 20’s and thought oh I’ll try a Pepsi. I spit it back out and threw away the rest of the 12 pack. No idea how I ever drank that crap.
I prefer Pepsi and Diet Pepsi.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Come on! He wrecked the lawn!

...the body hit with such force it left a crater in the lawn and smashed a path...