By Invitation Only


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.


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Sitting up and playing on his own now. Gonna be crawling around soon I think.

Gonna be awhile before he walks though I think. Doing everything slower than sister did.

I think that's normal. That's "supposedly" why women are more mature than us. IDK, my sister is a project manager for Dell and here I am still sucking on tit, drinking from a bottle, barely able to form complete sentences, and thinking about wearing a diaper to bed. Guess I'm slower than my sister.


Retired 23 years
@sailfish how much stuff do you tote around?

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Milwaukee makes some great stuff. The best sawzall I ever owned was a Milwaukee one. I was old and built like a battleship. Its the only tool I ever had stolen from me--right out of the back of my pickup when I once made the mistake of leaving my tailgate down for 5 minutes while I ran into the racetrack to deliver something. I still check the pawn shops for it a couple times a year. I have the serial number.


nowhere special
Milwaukee makes some great stuff. The best sawzall I ever owned was a Milwaukee one. I was old and built like a battleship. Its the only tool I ever had stolen from me--right out of the back of my pickup when I once made the mistake of leaving my tailgate down for 5 minutes while I ran into the racetrack to deliver something. I still check the pawn shops for it a couple times a year. I have the serial number.
Mine is a Makita. Not really heavy duty but has done everything I wanted it to do. I don't think there's not much difference between any of the good brands.