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I would love to hear what would’ve happened if it was @scooby0048 in the same situation. Lol.

You know, I read that several times and that's probably exactly how I would have handled it with the exception of when she said I would have to wait, I most likely would have made a smartass comment and NOT been nice about it. I also would have hit the emergency stop button on my way out.

I wouldn't have farted though. That's not even something I would do to enemies.


nowhere special

This Smells Like My Vagina Candle | | Twisted Lily Fragrance Boutique


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Newark and Asbury Park are failing school systems. Kids cannot read their high school diplomas at graduation. You would think the powers that be, would care more about that?

Truth is, the Democrat machine pumps huge tax dollars into these districts, most of the money being funneled into high paying jobs that help students very little. Some of the money makes it way back to the machine of course.
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