By Invitation Only


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
How was that 8hr day and bourbon you lucky SOB!

I'm going to hit 60 around 7pm tomorrow. They are going to hate me when I bring back over 100 stops.
Was off before 4:30 yesterday. I drove all of the way home. Took a shower and went out to eat with the family. I can’t tell you the last time that happened. It was glorious.


Well-Known Member
On road tried to give a couple drivers the "whoa is me" speech.

"Yeah you guys filing all these 9.5 and 8hr grievances means its going to come out of our bonus."

What a bunch of BS. I almost blurted out. "You guys make more than you're worth anyways.'


Well-Known Member
Send me your $4,000. I’ll make it work. Lol.

Ooohhhh really????