Look at all the future cost savings, though :
An employee after such a surgery brings in a lot of savings:
- Will never have children under the employers health insurance.
Wrong!, they can adopt
- Will never go on maturity leave
Wrong on both counts, it's maternity leave and adoption under fmla will give them just as much time
- Will never have children going into the educational system
Wrong, as adoption covers that
- Will never need to call in sick, because of it's ill child at home
- Will never get tax reductions based on children
- Will never be a dead beat parent (where the state has to pay welfare for single parents with children)
- Will never need to go to the companies (city's) sponsored childrens x-mas party
-probably many more savings.....(I haven't thought up that quickly).
In matter of fact More, you would probably be for it, if they did it to hispanic people - that way they couldn't reproduce !
basically adoption negates all of your arguments. As well as the fact that these people before their surgery could have had children the natural way.