Call in question


Well-Known Member
If you are already calling in on a Friday. You have a personal for Monday and then you find out your required to work Saturday so you call in Saturday what can UPS supervision do about that? Anything ?
If you are already calling in on a Friday. You have a personal for Monday and then you find out your required to work Saturday so you call in Saturday what can UPS supervision do about that? Anything ?
Did you call back in to say you were ready for work?
I know every supplement is different but if I called off on Friday I would not be expected to be at work on Saturday unless I called back in


Im not the Mail Man!
If your supplement is the same as mine, one call regardless of the amount of consecutive days counts as one infraction.

You only need to call on the day you’re returning to work. For us you’re required to call no later then 60 minutes before start time.