Safety committees are not required.
The following is the collectively bargained, contractually binding parameters of the UPS/Teamsters Co-Chaired Safety Committee.
Safety Committee
Section 20.4 Safety and Health Committees
There shall be Safety and Health Committees to cover all full-time and part-time employees. There shall be one (1) committee per Center unless the number of employees and/or job classifications within a center dictate the establishment of more than one (1) com- mittee. The respective committees will be comprised of a mutually agreed to number of bargaining unit representatives and up to an equal number of management representatives.
Recognizing the importance of the role of the Safety and Health Committees in resolving the issues of safety, the Employer and the Union reaffirm their commitment to the active involvement of the Committees in such processes, in accordance with the terms of this Article.
The Local Union shall approve the bargaining unit members who serve on these Committees. The Union co-chair of the commit- tee(s) shall be selected by the bargaining unit members of the com- mittee. In the event that a Local Union desires to cease participation
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in the safety committees, prior approval must be authorized by the Union Co-Chair of the Teamsters United Parcel Service National Negotiating Committee who shall also inform the Employer’s Pres- ident of Labor Relations of the request.
Both parties recognize and reaffirm the importance of maintaining properly functioning Safety and Health Committees and shall make a good faith effort to work out any differences prior to requesting authorization to cease participation.
Bargaining unit members may not perform Safety Committee ob- servations or access personnel records of fellow bargaining unit members that can be interpreted as being a management role. Safe- ty Committee observations shall only be performed to further the purposes of that Committee as defined in this section and to pro- mote a safer work environment. Activities will be reviewed with the Local Union. Under no circumstances can the results of a Safe- ty Committee observation be used in any level of discipline, nor reference any individual bargaining unit member.
Each committee shall meet at least once each month at a mutually agreeable time and place. The Employer shall provide committee members with adequate time to perform committee functions, as described in paragraphs 1 through 7 below.
Each committee shall perform functions including, but not limited to:
1. Creating sub-committees, on an as needed basis, to investigate specific issues of safety and health concern. These committees shall report to the full committee.
2. Developing and maintaining minutes for all meetings, with cop- ies to all committee members and posted on designated safety bul- letin boards.
3. Conducting periodic inspections of the facility to ensure that there is a safe, healthful and sanitary working environment in each center.
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4. Accompanying governmental, union, and/or Company health and safety professionals on facility inspection tours. The Employer may limit the number of bargaining unit members of the committee accompanying such an inspection tour.
5. Receiving information pertaining to lost workday injury/acci- dent causes and review results of the investigation of such injuries/ accidents.
6. Receiving copies of the center’s OSHA Illness and Injury logs and the facility’s man-hours.
7. ReceivingtheCompanysponsoredtrainingtoenablecommittee members to effectively perform their respective functions as safety and health committee members.
Any information provided to a CHSP committee will not be shared outside the committee without the Employer’s consent.
If the committee is unable to resolve a safety and health concern and all steps of the Comprehensive Health and Safety Process (CHSP) have been exhausted, the issue will be subject to the grievance procedure.
Any questions?