Binge Poster
What have you personally done to address this alleged corruption of the Safety Committee Process?A safe work environment means discipline. Both the firing people type and safe work methods and practices. You really have no idea how the Machine you? It's lubricated with productivity and heavy threats/disciplinary action.
The union doesn't like the firing kind. Understandable. So, the union resists any and all attempts at anything. Even if it would save lives. Example: We had several fatalities in our District. Nary a word from either side. Union brothers......killed. Nothing. This SOP is LEGEND.
Safe work methods and practices are expected/demanded by the company. But....if they interfere with productivity(costs/expenses)......they can and will be overlooked.
The safety committee is a 60 job. The Co-Chair used the position to fill out their 60 hours. Often there are trips and luncheons and such. Golf cart rides......lot's of quality A/C time. You bet. And since the Co-Chair is a steward...... lot's of union payed time off from the truck. You bet. Heck, we had a person on light duty go over 60 with "office/safety stuff". One of the retired safety co-chairs is working closely with mgt as a contractor....just like in their steward/co-chair days. Yep, closely. This work could be done by hourly union folks....easily. Is this payback for all he did for mgt as a steward? Who did he sell down the river?