Calling all Wellness co-chairs...


Well-Known Member
Yes and no.

In the event that a Local Union desires to cease participation in the safety committees, prior approval must be authorized by the Union Co-Chair of the Teamsters United Parcel Service National Negotiating Committee who shall also inform the Employer’s President of Labor Relations of the request.

Both parties recognize and reaffirm the importance of maintaining properly functioning Safety and Health Committees and shall make a good faith effort to work out any differences prior to requesting authorization to cease participation.
So not required. Got it thanks
So not required. Got it thanks
Respectfully asking: If the safety & wellness information is irrelevant to you personally & you don't care for it, may I ask why it appears to bother you so much that it exists? I'm sure you have a valid & personal explanation. I'd genuinely like to know, perhaps your explanation can provide beneficial information to be aware of & things to avoid in the future for me & any other safety & wellness committee persons reading these posts.


Well-Known Member
Respectfully asking: If the safety & wellness information is irrelevant to you personally & you don't care for it, may I ask why it appears to bother you so much that it exists? I'm sure you have a valid & personal explanation. I'd genuinely like to know, perhaps your explanation can provide beneficial information to be aware of & things to avoid in the future for me & any other safety & wellness committee persons reading these posts.
Could you tell us of a few meaningful changes your participation has brought to your operation?

For example: we had several fatalities here......absolutely nothing changed and MOF, discussion of any kind was overtly discouraged. Certainly not officially by the Company. SOP continued on and still does.

Not speaking for anyone: Respectfully-your naivete is simply breathtaking. Put a couple of decades in and get back to us. Try to make any changes...any. Especially something that takes time and therefore money. Loses productivity. See how it goes and be honest on the report back.

I have NOT been lurking

Eat. Sleep. Work. Jork.
Could you tell us of a few meaningful changes your participation has brought to your operation?

For example: we had several fatalities here......absolutely nothing changed and MOF, discussion of any kind was overtly discouraged. Certainly not officially by the Company. SOP continued on and still does.

Not speaking for anyone: Respectfully-your naivete is simply breathtaking. Put a couple of decades in and get back to us. Try to make any changes...any. Especially something that takes time and therefore money. Loses productivity. See how it goes and be honest on the report back.


Not in my building. Depends on the center manager you have. I am a 34 year employee and have ben a co-chair since 95. Get things changed quite a bit. Im honored to help my fellow union employees stay away from injuries or accidents. The only thing people ascertain from statements like yours above is either ignorance or stupidity. Grow up.

You’re either a company troll or you work in the Bubble of Goodness
My experience is butt kissers looking for some easy OT

El Correcto

god is dead
Thank you. I'll bring that up to the Occupational Health rep that has trained us. She emphasized we are 2 separate entities. We can collaborate with topics that are the same for the month, but we aren't supposed to be doing what safety co-chair does. I appreciate your helpful advice!
I don’t know what an occupational health rep is, sounds like some ups bs.

You need to take this up with a steward and maybe call your local about management trying to force you into doing their job. Safety committees are split between management and the employees on equal footing. You’re not just managements goons for whatever they feel like doing. Your main concerns should be the union employees safety concerns documented and brought to managements attention during your monthly meetings.


Well-Known Member
I don’t know what an occupational health rep is, sounds like some ups bs.

You need to take this up with a steward and maybe call your local about management trying to force you into doing their job. Safety committees are split between management and the employees on equal footing. You’re not just managements goons for whatever they feel like doing. Your main concerns should be the union employees safety concerns documented and brought to managements attention during your monthly meetings.
You couldn't be more wrong, I believe.

Safety and wellness is everyone's concern. From the visitor to the highest levels of mgt.

Any "union" employees safety concern is anyone else's. We don't separate fatalities by mgt or hourly union.

My experience: The company has an agenda for the safety committees. So does the union. They don't collide very often.

The Safety Co-Chair follows this company agenda or it doesn't happen. Every safety meeting I ever attended was rigidly structured and planned. A set of minutes and paperwork was submitted. Rarely if ever was any other concerns addressed or discussed.

Cowboy Mac

Well-Known Member
Respectfully asking: If the safety & wellness information is irrelevant to you personally & you don't care for it, may I ask why it appears to bother you so much that it exists? I'm sure you have a valid & personal explanation. I'd genuinely like to know, perhaps your explanation can provide beneficial information to be aware of & things to avoid in the future for me & any other safety & wellness committee persons reading these posts.
Safety committee is basically told by the company what they are supposed to do, what they are supposed to talk about. Even the minutes of the meeting is dictated by time down to the second on a piece of paper.

Some center managers in my experience don’t give a rip and spend the whole safety meeting texting or scrolling through their phone. Others will pretend to care and say they will give you whatever you need because they know your ideas will fizzle out in the end when they are met with large resistance from other management and employees.

It really turned into the gossip committee, talking about accidents and injuries and naming people who are supposed to remain nameless.

Then you have the documentation. They give every driver a DOK every month verbally and lo and behold every driver gets 100 percent (impossible). Which at some point when the driver gets injured or in an accident the company will pull out a stack of DOKs and say they knew better, they knew the methods.

We had committee members asking the manager to write up so and so for X infraction. Because they tried to talk to the driver about his actions and he wasn’t receptive.

That’s why I’m saying stick around long enough and you will get past that honeymoon stage and realize there are better ways to actually help people and make the workplace safer, than to be a professional documentator and snitch for the company.

Cowboy Mac

Well-Known Member
You couldn't be more wrong, I believe.

Safety and wellness is everyone's concern. From the visitor to the highest levels of mgt.

Any "union" employees safety concern is anyone else's. We don't separate fatalities by mgt or hourly union.

My experience: The company has an agenda for the safety committees. So does the union. They don't collide very often.

The Safety Co-Chair follows this company agenda or it doesn't happen. Every safety meeting I ever attended was rigidly structured and planned. A set of minutes and paperwork was submitted. Rarely if ever was any other concerns addressed or discussed.
I love when they stand at the gate and hand out candy and a little cut out piece of paper and tell us “be safe out there”.

Like thanks for the great safety knowledge and for promoting health and wellness with candy and soda for breakfast.

Meanwhile half the dollies in the center are missing a wheel and we have supervisors telling drivers they can’t stop to use the restroom so they’re driving around all day on a resi route, speeding through neighborhoods, skipping lunch so they don’t poop their pants. Real safe.

IMO have good stewards to educate people of their rights and you don’t need a safety committee.


Baseball, dart board
I love when they stand at the gate and hand out candy and a little cut out piece of paper and tell us “be safe out there”.

Like thanks for the great safety knowledge and for promoting health and wellness with candy and soda for breakfast.

Meanwhile half the dollies in the center are missing a wheel and we have supervisors telling drivers they can’t stop to use the restroom so they’re driving around all day on a resi route, speeding through neighborhoods, skipping lunch so they don’t poop their pants. Real safe.

IMO have good stewards to educate people of their rights and you don’t need a safety committee.
I do think this is a big part of it.


Well-Known Member
If that’s the case, why would the teamsters not support a safe work environment, why wouldn’t they demand a seat at the table? Seems illogical.
A safe work environment means discipline. Both the firing people type and safe work methods and practices. You really have no idea how the Machine you? It's lubricated with productivity and heavy threats/disciplinary action.

The union doesn't like the firing kind. Understandable. So, the union resists any and all attempts at anything. Even if it would save lives. Example: We had several fatalities in our District. Nary a word from either side. Union brothers......killed. Nothing. This SOP is LEGEND.

Safe work methods and practices are expected/demanded by the company. But....if they interfere with productivity(costs/expenses)......they can and will be overlooked.

The safety committee is a 60 job. The Co-Chair used the position to fill out their 60 hours. Often there are trips and luncheons and such. Golf cart rides......lot's of quality A/C time. You bet. And since the Co-Chair is a steward...... lot's of union payed time off from the truck. You bet. Heck, we had a person on light duty go over 60 with "office/safety stuff". One of the retired safety co-chairs is working closely with mgt as a contractor....just like in their steward/co-chair days. Yep, closely. This work could be done by hourly union folks....easily. Is this payback for all he did for mgt as a steward? Who did he sell down the river?



Well-Known Member
A safe work environment means discipline. Both the firing people type and safe work methods and practices. You really have no idea how the Machine you? It's lubricated with productivity and heavy threats/disciplinary action.

The union doesn't like the firing kind. Understandable. So, the union resists any and all attempts at anything. Even if it would save lives. Example: We had several fatalities in our District. Nary a word from either side. Union brothers......killed. Nothing. This SOP is LEGEND.

Safe work methods and practices are expected/demanded by the company. But....if they interfere with productivity(costs/expenses)......they can and will be overlooked.

The safety committee is a 60 job. The Co-Chair used the position to fill out their 60 hours. Often there are trips and luncheons and such. Golf cart rides......lot's of quality A/C time. You bet. And since the Co-Chair is a steward...... lot's of union payed time off from the truck. You bet. Heck, we had a person on light duty go over 60 with "office/safety stuff". One of the retired safety co-chairs is working closely with mgt as a contractor....just like in their steward/co-chair days. Yep, closely. This work could be done by hourly union folks....easily. Is this payback for all he did for mgt as a steward? Who did he sell down the river?

Just finished my 35th peak so I kinda know what’s going on, but I digress.
In our building it doesn’t work that way but I understand it’s not the same everywhere. You can either have a seat at the table, or just complain about things that are unsafe.


Well-Known Member
Just finished my 35th peak so I kinda know what’s going on, but I digress.
In our building it doesn’t work that way but I understand it’s not the same everywhere. You can either have a seat at the table, or just complain about things that are unsafe.
Respectfully, what changes and really how is your building different than all the rest I've seen? Noting I did sleepers coast to coast. All the buildings look, smell and operate about the same....down to the counters in the lobby. And of course nasty restrooms.

My experience is that the company and union don't want safety committees. No disciplinary action on the union's side....too much expense and frankly don't want to listen to any hourly from the company. They know what's best.

I believe the company and union will trade safety for their respective goals.

BTW, I had a seat at the table and complained. Neither side wanted me there....guaranteed. You start pointing out the failings of both sides.....they will quickly just schedule the meetings so you can't bet. Problem solved. Write up a safety concern....ok.....never ever saw any changes.
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Respectfully, what changes and really how is your building different than all the rest I've seen? Noting I did sleepers coast to coast. All the buildings look, smell and operate about the same....down to the counters in the lobby. And of course nasty restrooms.

My experience is that the company and union don't want safety committees. No disciplinary action on the union's side....too much expense and frankly don't want to listen to any hourly from the company. They know what's best.

I believe the company and union will trade safety for their respective goals.

BTW, I had a seat at the table and complained. Neither side wanted me there....guaranteed. You start pointing out the failings of both sides.....they will quickly just schedule the meetings so you can't bet. Problem solved. Write up a safety concern....ok.....never ever saw any changes.

You’re not grasping the purpose of the
“Safety committee” Ups doesn’t give 2
:censored2:s about safety committee neither does the union
The only reason they exist is because OSHA mandated it. they treat it as an annoyance and give it a little lip service once in awhile
So you can quit whining and crying about
How awful safety committees are it’s old news


nowhere special
You’re not grasping the purpose of the
“Safety committee” Ups doesn’t give 2
:censored2:s about safety committee neither does the union
The only reason they exist is because OSHA mandated it. they treat it as an annoyance and give it a little lip service once in awhile
So you can quit whining and crying about
How awful safety committees are it’s old news
UPS does it to keep OSHA happy and while doing that use it to reward their "favorite" employees with some easy money.