Calling off sick


Well-Known Member
How long have you been with UPS? Just a guess but are you a part-time sup? If so, I can see where your answers are coming from :happy-very:


Well-Known Member
I guess I didn't clarify myself. I was offered a job a year back. I went through the entire process and then decided to decline when offered a job with the airlines. When I was let go from the airlines do to layoffs I called up HR at UPS. Now I am back at UPS.


Well-Known Member
Just curious, why won't you identify yourself? You seem to have all the answers, but why can't you say where you are located? Since you are in management you should have nothing to really worry about?


Well-Known Member
I'm not. If they could have a top notch employee working for them again why would they turn that individual away. Prior military, worked for the government, airport operations, and now here. Plus, close to finishing 4-year college degree. Sounds like some pretty solid qualifications if you ask me.


Yea, and declined the job once so what would stop you from leaving again?
Im not saying its not solid, just it sounds like they spent time to hire you twice and you'll be gone in less than a year?


Well-Known Member
Possibly! I'll have to wait and see what happens. Regardless, they training instructor said out of 13 classes he has taught since March 35 out of 50 people are already gone. I am sure you probably know that though since you are a management employee. Isn't that what UPS wants anyway? They don't have to pay for the employees medical benefits then. Works out better for them. Again, I am not really sure where I will or won't be. I have considered moving up within the company if the situation is right. You still didn't answer are you a part-time sup? I am sure you prolly are if you are hanging around on here.


Well-Known Member
Haha, I just noticed you joined in January 2008. Hmm, how long have you been with UPS? It sounds like you know a lot about UPS :rofl:


Well we have a year for that:)
but theres no return on an employee when it costs thousands of dollars to hire and train.
Theres management employees from all range of operations on here, so its unjust to assume.


Well-Known Member
Drewed I am just going to end it here. I wish you the best of luck with your career at UPS. I hope you find what you are looking for in life. It seems like you are happy on Brown Cafe spending your time answering other peoples questions. Maybe you have found your calling.


Well-Known Member
You want a job at UPS, you want to go to college, you want to stay home and care for your wife. Make a decision. Do you want a job or not? Life doesn't come easy for anyone and you must set priorities. Sounds to me like you want your cake and to eat it too.

Every hub/center is a bit different. Depends on management, how difficult it is for them to keep employees, how short-staffed they are and what your attitude/performance is. Oh, you can always take the brown nose route if you'd like.

You've complained that opinions are all over the board and you have attacked Drewed, who has a darned good knowledge of the company. Where is he located? None of your business. Is he a pt sup? Also, really none of your business but you'd better learn some respect for the position of PT sup because they can screw you in a big way.

As a new employee you'd better show up ready to follow the rules of the company and to take direction from management. Once you've been around a few years you may learn how to better operate within the system. For now, put a check on that smart mouth of yours or you'll be chewed up and spit out quickly.


Well-Known Member
Please excuse any spelling and/or grammar errors as I am having a hard time controlling my laughter as I type. Will Bailey is calling drewed out because drewed won't reveal personal information. What the hell difference does this make? You asked for advice, drewed gave that and then some, and now you are calling him out. I will give you a hint as to his location--the most famous citizen of his state (at the moment) is a hot soccer Mom following a really old man from campaign stop to campaign stop. Still don't know? Google "hot soccer Mom" and you should be all set.
Need more? Google "Seward's Folly."

Who am I? I am a 19 yr driver from Plattsburgh, NY. I became a driver after spending 11 months as a casual driver, which was fast but not nearly BBAG speed. I have never worked on the inside so perhaps lack an appreciation for all of the hard work that they do. I am a Union member by default, which is a topic for discussion in another thread. I am divorced with 2 grown children, a HS science teacher and a FT college student. I have been on my current route for 4 yrs and don't plan on changing runs and am not worried about being bumped as I tend to work harder than the next guy. My 2 cover drivers are in their 20s and hate covering my run because they have to work for a change. I have 11 years to go for full pension and they can't go quickly enough. I am aware of the definition of the phrase "work as directed" but don't always follow it as I tend to do things that promote customer service and allow me to do my job in the most efficient manner possible.

Will Bailey, let me give you some advice. When you come to a employer specific forum seeking advice/help, don't kill the messenger.

Drewed, I enjoy your posts and have gained a greater appreciation of inside work as a result. Don't worry about Will Bailey or others like him as I'm sure you have seen his kind come and go over the years.


Well-Known Member
Dillweed, I highly doubt you are going to chew me up and spit me out. But, you go ahead and keep thinking with that big head of yours. You guys want to step up like big bad dogs and bark go right ahead. Doesn't mean a newbie is going to be intimidated. Again, a major problem some of the UPS employees are having. Oh, and btw nice name.


Well-Known Member
In response to Upstate. You should go back and re-read the posts Drewed made. If I am not mistaken he asked for helping trying to answer the questions. He stepped up and said that you can be fired for hibitually calling off, yet he asks for everyone's help on how much time you can call off. In other posts he talks about management being able to deny time off and that UPS has a business to run. Correct me if I am wrong but isn't that just common sense. Everyone has a mission and somewhere to be. That is hogwash and anyone with a little common sense knows that. Sorry, but again I am not one to be pushed around. As you can see by reading the rest of my posts I am going to say what is on my mind. I don't think when a new person just starting off is asking questions a management person needs to post a response saying management can do what they want. Of course, at UPS it seems management has that kind of mindset. However, I am waiting for someone to try and use that to their advantage with me. I assure you if they want to play by the rules I can do the same. I can dot my i's and cross my t's but I hope they do the same.

Chnandler Bong

Well-Known Member
Welcome to UPS, Bailey. I hope you find what you are looking for working for Big Brown. You sound like someone just trying to make ends meet until you finish school and move on to bigger and better things. A full-time job at UPS is a long way away, especially at a hub, and you seem like someone looking for a career. I hope it goes well. I was on the same plan 18 years ago but I'm still here....

To answer your question....calling in sick at my small center is not accepted very well. We never seem to have enough people, even when fully staffed. Such is life at UPS. It may be different at a bigger hub. But don't abuse it. You agreed to the terms of the job when you accepted your employment. I doubt you tried it much in the military.

FYI....18 year employee, 4 years pt (reload), 14 driving, 7 on my bid rt. Central Illinois.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Chandler! I appreciate the feedback. I don't plan on making it a weekly occurance, but also realize it is next to impossible to have a commitment to Mon-Fri and never have anything arise. I just wanted to see what the actual procedures were. It sounds like nothing is really set in stone. I am lucky in that I have a good relationship with both my sups and management. I guess I'll just keep it that way.

Like I stated in my earlier post. The sups told us if we needed time off for a vacation just give them 2 weeks notice. They said it should never be a problem unless it is the week after Thanksgiving through January 1st when it is the busy time of the year.

Best of luck to you as well!!


Man of Great Wisdom
Chnandler, I see you say calling "in" sick like we do in these parts. I never heard calling "off" sick around here. Although off makes more sense than in.


Well-Known Member
If you call in more than 4-5 times a year in my center they give you a verbal warning the next time they send you a letter and the next time you start looking for a new job. Remember your coworkers have to do their job and yours when you call in.

Being in the union doesn't mean you get a free ticket to call in when ever you want. The Union isn't going to protect you if you call in all the time.