Can EAM drivers file 9.5 papers to keep hours down?


Well-Known Member
No one should be giving this guy a bad time because he does not want to live in a brown truck. It sucks when you work for so many years with a company and they just keep pushing you into the meat grinder. Most places wont let you have a minute of overtime but not here. Seems like the more you don't want it or the older you get the more you are pushed. Sad when we have people laid off and making record profits that they can't put out more routes. Bet the numbers would come up along with the attitude and safety if they did. Need to have a take a suit to work week and have all salaried employees show us how it should be done. Might be a few more routes dispatched out when they are not playing ups on a computer monitor and see the real world.

The problem is he brought all of this upon himself. He had a manageable bid route and decided to add a few hours of work to it with the hope that they would take work off of the tail end---in other words, he wanted to start earlier and get done earlier. When this didn't happen he complained to his center manager who offered to take work off of the start (the EAM's) and he declined.

He needs to lose the EAM's and go back to what he had.


Active Member
When they bid our EAMs out, it was bid as extra work, so the routes it went to did not lose any work. They knew what they were doing when they bid it. Most guys like the extra hours, with getting home at the same time.

The thing is management is abusing their position of saying I can't file 9.5, and adding more work to my regular day that keeps me out some days past 7PM, which would be a 9.5 hour day if I started at my regular start time. So no, I don't get home "at the same time". I get home later on a lot of the days. The prior EAM driver got help, the other current EAM driver was able to not have work added.

old brown shoe

30 year driver
Just sounds right to me that if you were to start earlier you should get off earlier. I'm sure that if management wanted to or was told from above to make it happen it would happen. I get tired of the It's not my job attitude or put your head in the sand and it will go away type thinking. The one thing that I have noticed over all the years it is that the squeaky wheel gets the grease. I don't squeak but my advise to you is if you want to hopefully get things changed then start squeaking. If you can get others to start squeaking in your loop enough you may get a route or help. :hamwheelsmilf: