Don’t worry just wear a mask for 15 days to slow the spread until you have to always wear the mask until we have to shut down all small business so the 20 people that would be there has to go to Walmart or Home Depot with hundreds of others until you need 2 or 3 mask untill you need a vaccine untill you can get the second until the next strain of COVID comes out and you need a new round of shots. Then after these shots you are still able to carry the virus so you still need to wear 3 mask, wash hands, stay 6 ft apart and stay away from your family of 4 unless you are going to Walmart then those thousand people are OK. I could go on all day. The scary part isn’t that people in high places are telling us this crap. The scary part is so many people see nothing strange about this or the people that are feeding them this crap. Throw the dam brainwashing TV out and stop listing to these people. I never knew how easy it was to brainwash the masses by all forms of media until lately. So Many people are just parroting sheep that follow MSM, Hollywood or whatever their favorite sports star tells them to like, dislike, buy, chase after or be like. Wake Up!