Cancel culture—-ON TOPIC


Staff member
who knew there were more than 52 cards in the deck when they started playing all these race cards.
Who knew there’d be live mic’s at a basketball game? Besides everybody I mean.
All I’m saying is own it. Don’t come up with BS excuses. If you think they’re worthless n!??€%* just come out and say it. Embrace your hatred. Call it being proud of your white heritage if you need to. Just leave the poor diabetics alone.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Who knew there’d be live mic’s at a basketball game? Besides everybody I mean.
All I’m saying is own it. Don’t come up with BS excuses. If you think they’re worthless n!??€%* just come out and say it. Embrace your hatred. Call it being proud of your white heritage if you need to. Just leave the poor diabetics alone.
Is white heritage and white privilege related?
If so, can you explain the relationship?
Which is more responsible for the obvious blatant racism that all white people have?


nowhere special


Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American

Just a random thought...

In a Civil War between Black and White in the U.S., who would triumph?