Cancel culture—-ON TOPIC


Retired 23 years
Probably a good thing our side just wins elections then.
Hows that "winning " going for you. Enjoying those high gas prices and the wave of new illegals are you? I'm sure you are really going to enjoy the big tax increase coming to pay for all the new "freebies".


Staff member
Hows that "winning " going for you. Enjoying those high gas prices and the wave of new illegals are you? I'm sure you are really going to enjoy the big tax increase coming to pay for all the new "freebies".
Dow at 32,849. Looking damn good.

Any idea what Fedex Ground businesses are selling for lately? Even better.


Staff member
What do you assume when you say “ white heritage “?
I assume it means whatever folks say when they claim it’s under attack. I assume it means they’re trying to hang on to something they feel is at risk.
What do you think it means?


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
I assume it means whatever folks say when they claim it’s under attack. I assume it means they’re trying to hang on to something they feel is at risk.
What do you think it means?
I’ve never given “white heritage “ a single thought.
Would you consider it racist if I said that your “black heritage “ was under attack and you are trying to hang onto it because it is at risk?


Well-Known Member
Who knew there’d be live mic’s at a basketball game? Besides everybody I mean.
All I’m saying is own it. Don’t come up with BS excuses. If you think they’re worthless n!??€%* just come out and say it. Embrace your hatred. Call it being proud of your white heritage if you need to. Just leave the poor diabetics alone.
hard to do but i actually agree with you. my wife was watching the bachelor last night . The white girl who wore the antibellum dress was on there simpering and apologizing. the black guy who previously selected her, claimed he loved her and wanted to marry her now acted like he couldnt love her any more because of the dress 4 years ago. So now he's doing the hurt offended brother routine.
If that had been a sister sitting there instead of the white girl the brother would have been doing the hurt routine for a different reason because she was beating his ass.
I can see her saying:
"Oh hell no!! what do you mean you dont love me no more because of some dress I wore 4 years ago. You lying ass mf, you were just trying to get some P when you told me you loved me. And now you're using this BS issue to try to get out of marrying me"

At the same time the white host is gone for sticking up for her and we now have a cool looking brother hosting the show. Interestingly enough the brother host said he's not into the cancel culture. He might be a closet fox watcher.


Well-Known Member
Who knew there’d be live mic’s at a basketball game? Besides everybody I mean.
All I’m saying is own it. Don’t come up with BS excuses. If you think they’re worthless n!??€%* just come out and say it. Embrace your hatred. Call it being proud of your white heritage if you need to. Just leave the poor diabetics alone.

All people are racist ... therefore, all White people are racist.
i thought one of the few things we all agreed on here was that all of us are racists?