Cancel culture—-ON TOPIC

Netsua 3:16

Blacks have the same, if not more (affirmative action) opportunity here. At this point, its people like you keeping them down.
Unfortunately, when you treat a specific demographic as if they are a lower form of life for 200+ years, that stuff doesn’t just go away, bud.
You don’t just say “ ok guys, here’s your fresh start!”
Like I’ve said before, as the old guys die, the easier this will be

Poop Head

Judge me.
Unfortunately, when you treat a specific demographic as if they are a lower form of life for 200+ years, that stuff doesn’t just go away, bud.
You don’t just say “ ok guys, here’s your fresh start!”
Like I’ve said before, as the old guys die, the easier this will be
Guy. America is a melting pot. My little brother was the first one in our family to be born here. Are you saying that we, and the many millions like us, owe black people anything?

Netsua 3:16

Its plumbed so the black mans "backwash" flows to the white mans side. A good racist plumber would have it flow the opposite way. :-)

Yes I'm a little racist---isn't EVERYONE? You are a damn liar if you say no.
I agree, but why are you proud of it, Rod? You like it when people treat each other like sh**? You see the world around us? Why do you wish to feed into it by spewing racist hate?

Netsua 3:16

Guy. America is a melting pot. My little brother was the first one in our family to be born here. Are you saying that we, and the many millions like us, owe black people anything?
To quote rocky
“nobody owes nobody nothin”
It’s simply about changing the way you talk, for starters. Show a tiny bit of respect and effort, knowing that it will only contribute to race relations improving

like seriously, isn’t that what you want? Or no?
Doesn’t take much of anything. A teeny, tiny bit of effort


Retired 23 years
I agree, but why are you proud of it, Rod? You like it when people treat each other like sh**? You see the world around us? Why do you wish to feed into it by spewing racist hate?
I wouldn't say "proud" is the word to use. I would say I'm "honest" about it. Show me a good, honest, hard working, loyal to his family man and I don't give a crap what color his skin is. It's all the low life skum bags that piss me off.

Netsua 3:16

I wouldn't say "proud" is the word to use. I would say I'm "honest" about it. Show me a good, honest, hard working, loyal to his family man and I don't give a crap what color his skin is. It's all the low life skum bags that piss me off.
So you’re one of those
“I’m not racist, I just hate n******” kinda guys
Okey dokey 👍


I'm a star
At what point on the timeline of progressing a culture, would you say that culture needs to be “fully developed?”
Big picture. How far removed are we from slavery? The civil rights movement? Rodney King?
I would love to leave this in the rear view mirror as much as any one
Until my black sister gets stopped calling a “n,” there’s obviously still work to do Z, that’s all there is to it.
I don’t have the solutions, I’m not the grandmaster, but I know it’s wrong to make light of it because I experience it first hand.
It is what it is!! Lots of ugliness in the world.

I don't know what "fully developed" is. I would say society is fully developed when people are. But being a person isn't simple. It starts with working on yourself, identifying your issues, and getting better. You seem to want to do that, and that is commendable. Part of working on yourself is recognizing and respecting that others have their own issues, and their own level of self-awareness, and their own level of drive to improve.

Some people, the more you brow beat them, the more they dig in and or go the opposite direction. The best way to impact others for the better is to set the example of what is, to the best of your understanding, right. You do this with humility and the understanding that you don't have it all figured out, and that you don't stand in a position to judge anyone else in their failings. Then you encourage them in their struggle, and you get encouragement from them. That's the best I think can be expected from anyone.


nowhere special