Cancel culture—-ON TOPIC


Nothing to see here.... Move along.
You complete me.
I just want to get to know you.
How old are you?
Single? Or married? If married, does your wife sleep with you?
Children? Do they like you?
Are you from Alabama? Or Kentucky? Or Arkansas?
I have so many questions...

You leave Kentucky out of this.


This is an awesome thread by the way.


I'm a star
My two cents: the behavior that is described as "racist" is common to everyone. Denouncing one group or person doing it and ignoring the same behavior in others is missing the forest for the trees. Saying one group or another needs special protection is the problem. It implies people in that group need special protection just to function, and that is hateful.

Netsua 3:16

Saying one group or another needs special protection is the problem. It implies people in that group need special protection just to function, and that is hateful.
At what point on the timeline of progressing a culture, would you say that culture needs to be “fully developed?”
Big picture. How far removed are we from slavery? The civil rights movement? Rodney King?
I would love to leave this in the rear view mirror as much as any one
Until my black sister gets stopped calling a “n,” there’s obviously still work to do Z, that’s all there is to it.
I don’t have the solutions, I’m not the grandmaster, but I know it’s wrong to make light of it because I experience it first hand.
It is what it is!! Lots of ugliness in the world.


Inordinately Right
I can only hope to improve, brother.
Keep tuning in to your heroes in the media, they'll help you with your self-flagellation and let you know what the penance for your racist nature is.



I'm a star
My two cents: the behavior that is described as "racist" is common to everyone. Denouncing one group or person doing it and ignoring the same behavior in others is missing the forest for the trees. Saying one group or another needs special protection is the problem. It implies people in that group need special protection just to function, and that is hateful.

Ok, second point, separating people into groups is also a problem. If we're all Americans, and not factionalized, we will be more unified. Hazing, in it's various forms, is a bonding experience and allow for the exploration of boundaries and limits so that we can understand each other better and develop mutual respect. I think that used to be understood.
Of course hazing can and does go too far, but that can be a blurry line, and requires situational discretion by those involved.

Poop Head

Judge me.
I expected better from you poop head. You’ve showed me your true colors. More green and yellow than brown.
Everyone should look into how our own education system has been indoctrinating anti-american values into us. It started in the 80's. This is part of the long game by china and russia. I only opened my eyes after resolving my death, questioning myself, and the decisions ive made in life.


Nothing to see here.... Move along.
I know! I say one thing, don’t be a racist dick, and I magically turn into a commie. It really is high quality entertainment
Sometimes context can be lost in translation...

Effective communication has many slippery slopes.

When one truly wants to be understood...

They will make sure of it.