Cancel culture—-ON TOPIC

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
White power.png

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
American Power no matter the race, sex or religion!
Being American is a set of beliefs that support individual freedom and happiness.

You can be a citizen of the USA and not be an American.

Sorry if that is inconvenient for you and your ilk.
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Box Ox

Well-Known Member
American Power no matter the race, sex or religion!
Being American is a set of beliefs that support individual freedom and happiness.

You can be a citizen of the USA and not be an American.

Sorry if that is inconvenient for you and your ilk.
Please. Do go on...
Very simple ... read the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.
These two documents define what what it means to be an American!
What it means to be an American 1776
Principles don't change over time.
Wow. Bold statement.
Do you make your wife do everything around the house or????

Household duties are covered in the Declaration of Independence or the Constitution?