Cancel culture—-ON TOPIC

El Correcto

god is dead
What? Do you know what this is saying?
It’s saying that we are brainwashed and influenced
Isn’t that what you believe to be true? 😂
Yes. I do believe you are poisoned with non sense, making bad faith arguments you know deep down are non sense. Waaah black and white water fountains. Here kiddo let me clap my hands real quick for you, problem solved. Go out and look around no more black and white water fountains to be found in America.


Inordinately Right
"The family immediately called their lender and pushed back. After a month of escalating their complaints, The Austins were approved for a second appraisal."

So they got a low appraisal, called and complained, then a different appraiser gave a different number. Therefore racism? Pathetic argument.

El Correcto

god is dead

You turn something a lot of Americans deal with, fighting home appraisals into a race issue.
You people are sick in the head.

Tyrone Slothrop

Well-Known Member
"The family immediately called their lender and pushed back. After a month of escalating their complaints, The Austins were approved for a second appraisal."

So they got a low appraisal, called and complained, then a different appraiser gave a different number. Therefore racism? Pathetic argument.
That was some very selective quoting.

The family immediately called their lender and pushed back. After a month of escalating their complaints, The Austins were approved for a second appraisal.

When the day came for inspection, they got creative with the process.

"We had a conversation with one of our white friends, and she said 'No problem. I'll be Tenisha. I'll bring over some pictures of my family,'" Austin said. "She made our home look like it belonged to her."

The home appraised for $1,482,000, or roughly $500,000 more than it appraised for just weeks prior.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
That was some very selective quoting.

The family immediately called their lender and pushed back. After a month of escalating their complaints, The Austins were approved for a second appraisal.

When the day came for inspection, they got creative with the process.

"We had a conversation with one of our white friends, and she said 'No problem. I'll be Tenisha. I'll bring over some pictures of my family,'" Austin said. "She made our home look like it belonged to her."

The home appraised for $1,482,000, or roughly $500,000 more than it appraised for just weeks prior.
Looks like our system works if a black couple is able to acquire a $1.5M home while being systemically oppressed.

Tyrone Slothrop

Well-Known Member
Not at all.
Two different appraisers gave two different appraisals. This is very common, crying racism is just pathetic.
Yes, it is very common for black people to have white friends pose as the homeowner. That is the only way they can get a fair appraisal. I can give you another dozen examples, if you don’t know how to use the Google.

Tyrone Slothrop

Well-Known Member

Netsua 3:16

Looks like our system works if a black couple is able to acquire a $1.5M home while being systemically oppressed.
Even despite sentiment like this. Strength of the human spirit is incredible, no?
Man. I guess not all black people are rioting?

Seriously, it’s quite remarkable that people are able to take themselves out of gentrified poor neighborhoods with liquor and gun stores on every corner
Educate themselves, and make sh** happen. Look back. Celebrate the trials and tribulations; the awful, and the great
and teach children that all individuals face obstacles because, AND regardless of; race, religion, appearance, beliefs, whatever. You use the truth to EMPOWER people.
Thats what education is all about.
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I'm a star questions are very leading probably because I went to school to be a journalist, and, while I enjoy reading your articulate posts, there’s a lot of “well, this is a BROAD subject and I don’t have time for all of that” 😎
I like to cut the sh** and get straight to the point

I just say that because there is a lot of information to cover to be able to make my views understood. I can't assume others know what I know, or have similar experiences.

It's clear that you take particular exception to being accused of being brainwashed, and I understand that can make you feel disrespected. Like I said, I don't remember using that term myself. But I get caught up in the trolling just as much as anyone else. I don't take it personally, we're all just random people having fun in our down time.

I actually had put @DriveInDriveOut on ignore for about two minutes when I first joined because he was pretty obnoxious, then I decided to not be a wuss. I think we have come to understand each other and developed a mutual respect. That's what it's all about.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
I had lunch with a few UPSers today and the subject of CRT Training came up.
They all had to attend a 6 hour training session on biases and recognizing biases.

Do drivers have to attend these sessions?

One guy didn't show up so we sent him our love!
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It will be fine

Well-Known Member
I just say that because there is a lot of information to cover to be able to make my views understood. I can't assume others know what I know, or have similar experiences.

It's clear that you take particular exception to being accused of being brainwashed, and I understand that can make you feel disrespected. Like I said, I don't remember using that term myself. But I get caught up in the trolling just as much as anyone else. I don't take it personally, we're all just random people having fun in our down time.

I actually had put @DriveInDriveOut on ignore for about two minutes when I first joined because he was pretty obnoxious, then I decided to not be a wuss. I think we have come to understand each other and developed a mutual respect. That's what it's all about.
Having DIDO on ignore changes literally nothing in any thread. His posts never alter the conversation at all unless someone decides to “argue” with him.


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone

Good. friend* house flippers.