

Well-Known Member
Immigrants are less likely to be criminals than citizens. It’s a fact.
Not worried about the hard workers who don't break the law for fear of being caught and deported. Worried about the criminal element that smuggled in drugs, raped, murdered. Quite a few of them come up too. It's a fact.
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Well-Known Member
Why does anyone feel entitled to force their way in another country and "break in", steal, and exploit what others have built? What has been accomplished in America has been accomplished through generations of hard work. It's not yours to have for the taking illegally. For that matter, why does the left cry that they are entitled?
Instead of getting thousands together and heading north, with the number in Central America that are so unhappy with the way things are, instead of burnin' all that energy walkin' 2000 miles, turn that on your own country and unite and demand better. Wont be easy, but what America has didn't happen yesterday.
The left cries how responsible and upstanding these folks are... real self responsibility would be seen in a determination to changing your own country for better instead of abandoning it.
I'm sure America would support any people in another country that would be rising up for a wait..not the left.
One has to ask, if things are so horrific why aren't millions of Hondurans marching up here? They've recently had civil strife in Nicaragua. Throw in millions of them. Bring in all the Salvadorans too. Why aren't they all marching towards the promise land?


Retired 23 years
Now if wages go up Americans will gave more kids. We just need to spend the money better on education for American kids.

Like throwing money down a well. Waste of time. The money ends up going to build Taj Mahal style schools that still put out kids who can't make change thanks to the "no child left behind' programs. I'm tired of kids who can't read at a 3rd grade level being passed along just -----because. The education system has their heads buried in the sand thinking these "mentally challenged" kids can compete at a high school level. (Damn I'm proud of myself for being politically correct when it comes to calling them "mentally challenged"). Its gotten to the point that the only requirement to graduate is that you "should" attend school a few days a week.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
That is the exact reason Trump created this fake news. You'll believe anything the right is selling.
I know you have a problem with the whole creation thing, but fake news had its beginning and is kept alive by the heavy breathing of the left.
"Buy the truth and sell it not."
You sold out a long time ago.


Well-Known Member
That's why we elected trump so he can swing congress and get rid of the Jeff flake Paul Ryan scum republican need to win the house do If you vote Democrat they will say that is for open borders and it is