subsidizing colleges drive up prices of tuition, it’s a bad way to fight high college prices. It also takes away from buying power of working class Americans requiring higher taxes or added national debt and currency inflation.
Fighting discrimination with affirmative action laws and race quotas is fighting discrimination with discrimination and making discrimination systemic in our society. It doesn’t hold true to the belief that we are all equals in the eyes of the law when the laws benefit some over others based on minority status.
But laws have always existed and continue to exist that discriminate against certain segments of our population.
It's never been the case that our laws have, in practice, made every Citizen equal.
In fact, again, it's 2018 and our laws still favor some and disparage others.
Would that it were true, that this land we live in was color-blind and equal opportunities abounded for everyone that just wanted to work.
That's not the case.
I simply disagree with your premise...Affirmative Action was a misguided attempt to 'level the playing field'...'race-quotas' are and were a misguided attempt to 'level the playing field'...
Back to your example of Harvard, if we got rid of AA and quotas completely, 70% of Harvard would be Asian, 20% would be 'Legacy' students or students with sports scholarships (mostly white/black, but mix in some other races), and the remainder would be...white?
Again, which problem are you trying to fix?
Guy, there's not a liberal ploy to discriminate against whites.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but my impression was that you lean Libertarian, what is your fix for a private institution which wants to admit whomever they want to admit?