One thing that cracks me up about democrats is them saying they are fighting the establishment.
If this was true I’d be a democrat, I hate most establishments set up by our government, even the department of defense. Only reason I support the department of defense and war establishments is I hate the establishments world wide even more than them and want to see some steam rolled.
Democrats are not anti-establishment at all, this debate about discrimination kind of highlights that, by fighting the establishment they mean fighting racial and minority battles against other races and sexualities they view as privileged and using government money and institutions to do so. Their whole platform is pro establishment with using minorities and the poor to achieve their goals of centralizing power in this country.
I want most of those institutions torn down and burned. Decentralized is a better word. Something me and libertarians tend to agree on.
This is how I feel about people preaching stronger government control and using race baiting as fuel for voters.