
El Correcto

god is dead
I was attacked for calling colleges racist and suggesting a merit based system would please me.

This is just logical to me in this day and age.

Guess I’m wrong oh well.

El Correcto

god is dead
One thing that cracks me up about democrats is them saying they are fighting the establishment.

If this was true I’d be a democrat, I hate most establishments set up by our government, even the department of defense. Only reason I support the department of defense and war establishments is I hate the establishments world wide even more than them and want to see some steam rolled.

Democrats are not anti-establishment at all, this debate about discrimination kind of highlights that, by fighting the establishment they mean fighting racial and minority battles against other races and sexualities they view as privileged and using government money and institutions to do so. Their whole platform is pro establishment with using minorities and the poor to achieve their goals of centralizing power in this country.

I want most of those institutions torn down and burned. Decentralized is a better word. Something me and libertarians tend to agree on.

This is how I feel about people preaching stronger government control and using race baiting as fuel for voters.

El Correcto

god is dead
One thing that cracks me up about democrats is them saying they are fighting the establishment.

If this was true I’d be a democrat, I hate most establishments set up by our government, even the department of defense. Only reason I support the department of defense and war establishments is I hate the establishments world wide even more than them and want to see some steam rolled.

Democrats are not anti-establishment at all, this debate about discrimination kind of highlights that, by fighting the establishment they mean fighting racial and minority battles against other races and sexualities they view as privileged and using government money and institutions to do so. Their whole platform is pro establishment with using minorities and the poor to achieve their goals of centralizing power in this country.

I want most of those institutions torn down and burned. Decentralized is a better word. Something me and libertarians tend to agree on.

This is how I feel about people preaching stronger government control and using race baiting as fuel for voters.
TLDR version:

Democrats are not anti-establishment, they use class warfare to further their goal of centralizing government power and propping up establishments.


Well-Known Member
You keep changing the battle, I don’t care if Harvard is racist. I’m stating minorities have more rights and incentives than white when it comes to attending colleges I was also saying it’s wrong to tax workers to pay for people’s college. You take from the working class to make college more afforadable and still don’t achieve your goal with rising tuition prices based on multiple factors but subsidies being a major one.

This was my original fanning the flames for debate post.

Thanks for your honesty.

Also, you're completely wrong.


Well-Known Member
TLDR version:

Democrats are not anti-establishment, they use class warfare to further their goal of centralizing government power and propping up establishments.

It's funny, I could re-word that:

'Republicans are not anti-establishment, they use class warfare to further their goal of centralizing government power and propping up establishments..."

It's true either way you say it.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
One thing that cracks me up about democrats is them saying they are fighting the establishment.

If this was true I’d be a democrat, I hate most establishments set up by our government, even the department of defense. Only reason I support the department of defense and war establishments is I hate the establishments world wide even more than them and want to see some steam rolled.

Democrats are not anti-establishment at all, this debate about discrimination kind of highlights that, by fighting the establishment they mean fighting racial and minority battles against other races and sexualities they view as privileged and using government money and institutions to do so. Their whole platform is pro establishment with using minorities and the poor to achieve their goals of centralizing power in this country.

I want most of those institutions torn down and burned. Decentralized is a better word. Something me and libertarians tend to agree on.

This is how I feel about people preaching stronger government control and using race baiting as fuel for voters.
I object to it but it doesn't get to me.
There is nothing one can do about it and it doesn't affect me ... at least to where I find it painful.
When you have governments, this is what they do.

I remember my old friend 'The Serenity Prayer':

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time.

El Correcto

god is dead
It's funny, I could re-word that:

'Republicans are not anti-establishment, they use class warfare to further their goal of centralizing government power and propping up establishments..."

It's true either way you say it.

El Correcto

god is dead
I object to it but it doesn't get to me.
There is nothing one can do about it and it doesn't affect me ... at least to where I find it painful.
When you have governments, this is what they do.

I remember my old friend 'The Serenity Prayer':

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time.
I’m not worked up about it. I just like to post my political thoughts anonymously and have people rail against them. Especially when they have google at their finger tips and no need to be civil about it.

El Correcto

god is dead
Lulz, are we meeting in the middle?

You scream so hard about 'librulz', but in my mind, the REpubliCons are doing the exact same thing.

Galaxy Party 2020

(you can be Secretary of Education)
Its 100% true about liberals across the board. It’s about 60-75% true with republicans. There are some good ones when it comes to fighting centralization and government programs. There is still the elephant in the room with social security and nationalized health insurance for most of them which is why I put it at 75.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Lulz, are we meeting in the middle?

You scream so hard about 'librulz', but in my mind, the REpubliCons are doing the exact same thing.

Galaxy Party 2020

(you can be Secretary of Education)
You understand the students will be required to give the 'wrong' answer.

*(inspired by BrownArmy)