Career Potential


Well-Known Member

You obviously don't have this thing called "retirement" dangling in front of you. You must work here for the spiritual enrichment.

Am I disgruntled? According to you I am and maybe I have reason to be because, as you mention, it's not the same company it was years ago.

The kid is 19 years old and, as another poster so eloquently mentioned (I believe it was "SWEET19"), two weeks isn't enough time to see if your underwear is right.

I think a reasonable person would question why the supe feels the need to blow smoke up this kids a## so early in the game.

PS- I do appreciate your concern regarding my state of mental helath.


Thank you guys for the responses. I understand that I have not been working at the company for long- I was simply trying to get a feel for what lay ahead, and the best way to get there. Everyone has reaffirmed that the college degree is the best way to go- and I certainly intend on attaining that. Other than that, the main suggestions were work ethic, motivation and attitude. I am excited to be a part of the company and think I can go very far with them. I get the sense that many of you have already gone far with the company.


Any of you ever heard of "good ol' day syndrome"? You know uphill to school both ways kind of thing? Sounds like Sweet 19 is terminal with it! 800-850 pph means one box every 4 or 5 seconds! I guess he never broke jams or loaded an occasional bulky package or used his load stand or taped any damages or typed in unscannable bar codes! What a snapperhead!


Well-Known Member
Get your degree and stay a pt employee. There is more flexible options for you. You can do reload bid to preload bid to carwash bid to midnight drive air for extra money and all will allow you to gain experiance. This will better you while you pay your dues. We have a bunch of managers who we call 30 day wonders. I have found that managers who have done all the jobs including full time or cover driving are better and more rounded people who earned the respect instead of being appointed to it by a buddy. Remember G W Bush appointed a college graduate horse show judge to the head of FEMA and it was a complete disaster. Earn your degree and earn our respect then go into management. By the way I know plenty of pt sups who spent 10 years or more stuck in pt management. Most left, some went into driving full time and were going to go into full time management after say a year of driving but when approached for promotion they said no thanks I'll stay an hourly!


Here's a fine example of a disgruntled employee. Anyone with common sense that feels this negative about a company would look elsewhere but there's always some that feel it's necessary stay and blame others for their misery. As you can see in this post, this person has an axe to grind with management so he ignorantly lumps them all into the same category and tries to discourage other's from aspiring to move up. My advice, ignore these types of condescending responses. If someone can give you factual reasons against staying, take notice of those as they're probably trying to be helpful but you'll have to make the decision based on your situation since you've only been aboard for two weeks.

Don't know if its all negative attitude. He is right the managment job is very challenging and it does chew up some people who underestimated the challenges.

Everyone has a different threshhold for pain. At the same time I still meet people every now and then who tried loading or driving and couldn't hang with those jobs either.


Welcome aboard!! I have just retired from UPS after 34 years--YEA!! I knew coming to work at UPS that it was going to be hard work---it never changed--no matter what level I was at in the company. Yes, there have been people who left the company---but many more who stayed and have had a great experience--enjoyed the best benefits (part time benefits are the same a full time----where else can you find this in the industry??) and have some financial stability for my future.....Thrift Plan turned into UPS Stock.My recommendation is to add at leats the 3% 401k Match as soon as you can---UPS matchs it 100%---best deal in town!

Please continue with your degree--it will open dorrs--if not at UPS, definitely elsewhere!! If you decide that Business Development is an option, as soon as you get your degree, let your BD manager know that you are ready !!

Keep an open mind--consider the source----is UPS a perfect company--no---does it have the best caliber of people in the world---ABSOLUTELY!! Does everyone always agree on everything----no---but as it says in the Bible....."Iron sharpens Iron!!"

Best of luck in your future--keep up a positive's contagious!!


Well-Known Member
I totally agree upsdawg. Congratulations on being retired!!! Unfortunately for me...long way from there... but hey, one day at a time.

All too often people are discouraged from trying new and different things for the fear of change. As with all large companies, there are good/competent managers and then there are the others... It will always be pot luck the supe you will end up with. But keep plugging away and you will reap the rewards. The best course of action is treat all with kindness regardless of whether or not you agree with their opinions.


Thrift Plan turned into UPS Stock.My recommendation is to add at leats the 3% 401k Match as soon as you can---UPS matchs it 100%---best deal in town!

I just got the paperwork for the 401K plan... I don't understand what you mean? Do you have to add a particular option to your 401K plan to get the 3% match? Thanks.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for your support (post #25), I'm glad you didn't automatically assume I'm "disgruntled" because my opinion differs from yours.

I went back and read my post (#4) several times. correct me if I am mistaken but no where in my post do I say "I don't like my work". I love my work but some of the morons I have to work for seem bent on making the job miserable. I merely stated facts based on my 28 years. You assumed I am "disgruntled" because my opinion differs from yours which could be construed as a typical management response.

I'm just guessing .........are you management?