Celebrating 100 days without Bush


Strength through joy
GWB bowed and bent over and kissed & held hands.

Actually, GWB was not dumb, if he was, it sure doesn't say much for his supporters and cheerleaders over the last 8 years.

I know it is tough to accept it, but President Obama has done a fantastic job so far.
Please explain this "fantastic job " , in detail.


Well-Known Member
How fitting it would have been for Clinton to be there to answer for his destruction of the intelligence agencies and military on 9/11.

Err, Umm...

The people Clinton put in place all but gave GWB the date and time of the attack.

Denial is not only a river in Egypt, but the central point of whatever skewed universe you choose to live in.

If you still work for UPS, consider using their mental health benefits.

Yet they didn't go out and arrest the terrorist who were living out in the open under Clinton?

"Oh by the way GW you got some terrorist living in this country who will take down the twin towers on 9/11 with hijacked planes. We would have arrested them already but we want you to have the glory?"

you're too much.

Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction!

You could correctly argue that the Clinton adminstration had full knowledge of Osama bin Laden yet did nothing. You could argue the Clinton adminstration knew and understood the full dangers Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda could pose and what they were ultimately planning.

But accepting this being true and I'd agree it is, then why for 9 months did the Bush adminstration do nothing itself? It ran with all speed the Clinton era documents on Saddam Hussien and alleged WMD but yet having the info on bin Laden they choose to ignore it. WHY?

Also considering many of the important events of the late 1990's, was the Clinton impeachment a whitewash from the get go to divert attention, both public and press, from other more real and pressing issues taking place behind the scenes? Political theater whose purpose was to distract prying eyes from looking elsewhere. In a sane world, this kind of thinking would be pure insanity but the truth is we don't live in a sane world.

Moving ahead, watch Central Asia! This more than anything else may explain future actions by the Obama adminstration. Is it possible that all this chaos and deceptions of gov't and her co-horts are all driven by the plastic swirl stick at the local Starbucks? I never gave it much thought either but it does make you take a moment and think!

Robert McNamara and the release of LBJ tapes prove without a doubt that the Gulf of Tonkin incident "never happened" (Mac's own words). Vietnam was predicated on a complete political lie crafted by political workman out to fulfill a self serving end. What will we finally learn of the Middle East and the 1990's and 2000's 40 or 50 years from now? What will our children and children's children think of us then? But then that assumes freedom of speech and thought will still exist for them. With what we are doing now, I don't feel good for their condition.

Americans love the illusion that treachery and intrigue are always co-partners with other govt's or govt's of histories past while ignoring the fact of human nature and it's impact where power is concerned. We love to quote Lord Acton but do we really consider what he is telling (warning) us!

The deeper you look at ALL gov't, the more it does begin to look like a Tom Clancey novel. Maybe Tom has been trying to tell us something!


Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction!

You could correctly argue that the Clinton adminstration had full knowledge of Osama bin Laden yet did nothing. You could argue the Clinton adminstration knew and understood the full dangers Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda could pose and what they were ultimately planning.

But accepting this being true and I'd agree it is, then why for 9 months did the Bush adminstration do nothing itself? It ran with all speed the Clinton era documents on Saddam Hussien and alleged WMD but yet having the info on bin Laden they choose to ignore it. WHY?

technically it would have seven and a half months since bush was not sworn in until january 20th. But then who is counting. As such it would and did take much longer then to rebuild the Intelligence and Military community after being run down by Clinton. You could also make a valid argument that a new presidents initial focus would be on those things he promised in his election run. The possible terrorist threat was just that a possible terrorist threat. I believe our government can screw anything up. But I have enough faith in our CIA and FBI to believe they would have acted if they had known that there were terrorist living and training in the US and plotting a major attack. The argument that the clinton folks knew that and warned Bush is utterly rediculous. The FBI would not have stood by and waited for Bush to tell them to go after the terrorist. Its an asinine argument any way you shake it.

Also considering many of the important events of the late 1990's, was the Clinton impeachment a whitewash from the get go to divert attention, both public and press, from other more real and pressing issues taking place behind the scenes? Political theater whose purpose was to distract prying eyes from looking elsewhere. In a sane world, this kind of thinking would be pure insanity but the truth is we don't live in a sane world.

The clinton impeachment was about truth and integrity a concept Clinton did not understand.

Robert McNamara and the release of LBJ tapes prove without a doubt that the Gulf of Tonkin incident "never happened" (Mac's own words). Vietnam was predicated on a complete political lie crafted by political workman out to fulfill a self serving end. What will we finally learn of the Middle East and the 1990's and 2000's 40 or 50 years from now? What will our children and children's children think of us then? But then that assumes freedom of speech and thought will still exist for them. With what we are doing now, I don't feel good for their condition.

warning government creating wars to feed the war machine alert.

Americans love the illusion that treachery and intrigue are always co-partners with other govt's or govt's of histories past while ignoring the fact of human nature and it's impact where power is concerned. We love to quote Lord Acton but do we really consider what he is telling (warning)

The deeper you look at ALL gov't, the more it does begin to look like a Tom Clancey novel. Maybe Tom has been trying to tell us something!

I fully understand that you believe we have an evil plotting government. I just don't understand why you continue to live in this country and put up with it.


Well-Known Member
But I have enough faith in our CIA and FBI to believe they would have acted if they had known that there were terrorist living and training in the US and plotting a major attack. The argument that the clinton folks knew that and warned Bush is utterly rediculous. The FBI would not have stood by and waited for Bush to tell them to go after the terrorist. Its an asinine argument any way you shake it.

You might want to give a hand to the FBI on getting those terrorists. As you can see from the "most wanted poster" still in effect and revised Nov. 2001'. It seems strange a very important point was omitted. And yes, the link is from the FBI website.

Also from the FBI website they did issue an update on 11/5/2003' but again something is missing! Even no mention for this guy either. Why is this so?

There's actually a very good reason why this is the case but then admitting that opens up a whole other can of worms!

I fully understand that you believe we have an evil plotting government. I just don't understand why you continue to live in this country and put up with it.

In truth Tie, how do you really know that I do live here?:surprised: How do you know that I don't live in Arizona and that in reality I'm not.......well maybe I shouldn't say anymore at this point!

Is it entirely possible that wkmac 3 years ago actually sold his alias to another banned poster?


Amen.....Sarah Palan.....Can we get a Witchdoctor on the telepromter....:wink2:
:surprised: :surprised: :surprised: <----does that help Sammie.....lol

hmmm. A rare slip mister Diesel. Bush never prepared Palin. He had Cheney who had no plans to succeed Bush. McCain too old and too mainstream to capture the conservate movement that gave Bush a landslide in 2004.


Well-Known Member
hmmm. A rare slip mister Diesel. Bush never prepared Palin. He had Cheney who had no plans to succeed Bush. McCain too old and too mainstream to capture the conservate movement that gave Bush a landslide in 2004.


Factually incorrect. LANDSLIDE?! Glad you're not a history teacher.
hold it.jpg



Factually incorrect. LANDSLIDE?! Glad you're not a history teacher.

Au Contraire. Take the number of votes he recieved in 2004 adjust for the population growth since then and guess what Mr. Bush actually recieves more votes then the Great Messiah.


Well-Known Member
Au Contraire. Take the number of votes he recieved in 2004 adjust for the population growth since then and guess what Mr. Bush actually recieves more votes then the Great Messiah.

Not Great Messiah. President. Only seems that Reps give him that name...

Please provide facts for the rest.


In truth Tie, how do you really know that I do live here?:surprised: How do you know that I don't live in Arizona and that in reality I'm not.......well maybe I shouldn't say anymore at this point!

Is it entirely possible that wkmac 3 years ago actually sold his alias to another banned poster?

Nice try. You may be deranged but you're not crazy. :happy-very:


In truth Tie, how do you really know that I do live here?:surprised: How do you know that I don't live in Arizona and that in reality I'm not.......well maybe I shouldn't say anymore at this point!

You type with a Southern accent. I'd say you're from Atlanta.


In truth Tie, how do you really know that I do live here? How do you know that I don't live in Arizona and that in reality I'm not.......well maybe I shouldn't say anymore at this point!

Is it entirely possible that wkmac 3 years ago actually sold his alias to another banned poster?

good deal. Glad to see you're so supportive of stalkers. Perhaps you can give me a list of the names of your family members and I'll stalk them?
Got any daughters?:surprised::surprised::surprised::surprised::surprised::surprised::surprised::surprised:

Honestly Wk its comments like that one above that make me wonder if your *********just totally insensitive? I understand the libertarian thing. Basically a hippie preaching free love as his buddies pull a train on his girlfriend but your outlook appears to be a photo negative of reality.
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Prblm found,part on order
its not too late to beg Bush to come back and fix Obamas mess is it?

100 days of anything is OVER !!!

100 days is over !!! Get on with it !!:knockedout:

First off, If I may throw my 2 cents in,
I believe that when our CURRENT president took the office, there was already a downward spiral of the economic industry! This is a fact! Any one want to dispute that? And second, because of this downward spiral of the economy does that warrant blaming Mr Obama? Absolutely NOT! It is not fair to blame him when it is because of greedy wall street scum and people just like you and I that got greedy making a buck. These are the people to blame for the economy! Period. I believe the spending that President Obama has come up with and implemented had to be done to stabilize the economy, I mean look at it this way, how do you stop a massive economy from hitting rock bottom and millions of people from loosing their jobs without spending some doe rae me? I can't think of anything that can stop it that fast.?

Third: blame American consumers who were LIVING BEYOND THEIR MEANS and then couldn't pay up when they had too! I work 40 hours a week and make x amount of money, Do I A: Live beyond this amount of money or B: Live within the means of my salary? Well I unlike allot of people I chose B!! and because of choosing B, I have been able to purchase a home, buy a new car and renovate one room in my new home all wile the economy was going down hill. And why? Because I live within MY MEANS.

Getting back on subject, I believe you need to give the President of The United States of America a little more than 100 days to make such a judgment about his performance, I ask; Can YOU do HIS JOB? I know I can't. So there for I vote for the person I think is most qualified to look after the best interests of the American people. I voted for Barrack Obama and I am proud of my choice, I am American and have the freedom to vote for who I choose. I would have voted for John McCain if I had felt he had better ideas to keep our country viable and out of trouble and turn the economy around, but I didn't get that vibe from him.

Lets all be rational here and give the person that was voted OUR President another 100 days, or better yet, lets give him the rest of the term that WE as people voted him into before we pass judgment and say he did this and did that and hes not doing a good job etc, etc.....

And before anyone says I'm being biased toward Obama, I am not. I am just saying have an open mind and give him a chance, there will be times I don't like a particular idea he has and will disagree with a decision that he makes, but I have an open mind. I also liked allot of Bushes ideas and I think he did the best he could with what he had, sometimes I thought he had an agenda and just wanted to get victory for a personal reason and other times i thought he had great compassion for the people of this country and that showed through in the pictures of him moments after he was informed about 9/11. He was strong in tough times and I admire that.
Barrack Obama needs to be given the same respect and the same chance we as a country gave to the presidents before him.

The preceding was just my opinion and no Obama, Bush bobblehead dolls were harmed in the forming of this novel!:peaceful:


Strength through joy
Did you know about the downward economy in say 1919-1920 in which the president of the US did nothing; no overboard spending, no making his grandkids pay for his mistakes, none of that " its for the children " BS..
And what happened, why the economy corrected itself....thus the ROARING TWENTYS began.


Well-Known Member
good deal. Glad to see you're so supportive of stalkers. Perhaps you can give me a list of the names of your family members and I'll stalk them?
Got any daughters?:surprised::surprised::surprised::surprised::surprised::surprised::surprised::surprised:

Honestly Wk its comments like that one above that make me wonder if your *******just totally insensitive? I understand the libertarian thing. Basically a hippie preaching free love as his buddies pull a train on his girlfriend but your outlook appears to be a photo negative of reality.

If you know a snake lives in a hole and the snake bites when provoked, then why continuosly stick your hand in the same hole over and over again. And then cry foul when it does bite?

I promised someone I wouldn't throw rocks on their roof so I'll keep that promise but now I understand the reason for the message!

Come to think of it, the above does show the hypocrisy of how the TOS policy is carried out around here. I wonder why that is?
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If you know a snake lives in a hole and the snake bites when provoked, then why continuosly stick your hand in the same hole over and over again. And then cry foul when it does bite?

I don't know that a snake lives in a hole , I know a snake is not suppose to be anywhere near this hole. So when He sneaks back in I expose him and get him thrown out. I'm thrilled to death to see you have such moral superiority on this issue that you think you have now been given the right to joke about something that is and was very serious.

I promised someone I wouldn't throw rocks on their roof so I'll keep that promise but now I understand the reason for the message!

you break your promise everytime you take what was a serious issue and joke about it here.

Come to think of it, the above does show the hypocrisy of how the TOS policy is carried out around here. I wonder why that is?

Probably because you stuck your nose in an issue that you really should stay out of. You have not seen the posts the wack job from phoaz has made since most were deleted immediately by the mods. As such you certainly do not know the issue and should not be taking some sanctimonious position on it. At very least you should respectfully stay out of what you do not fully understand.

I've told you that before but you just don't get it.

you're always quick to condemn your supposed country for sticking thier nose into conflicts but yet you continously stick your nose in this one.


Staff member
Come to think of it, the above does show the hypocrisy of how the TOS policy is carried out around here. I wonder why that is?

No complaints have been received regarding that post. We are more apt to respond to issues that other members complain about by using the "report post icon".
The hypocrisy you detect could be just that more members complain about posts that you yourself do not find objectionable.
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