Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction!
You could correctly argue that the Clinton adminstration had full knowledge of Osama bin Laden yet did nothing. You could argue the Clinton adminstration knew and understood the full dangers Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda could pose and what they were ultimately planning.
But accepting this being true and I'd agree it is, then why for 9 months did the Bush adminstration do nothing itself? It ran with all speed the Clinton era documents on Saddam Hussien and alleged WMD but yet having the info on bin Laden they choose to ignore it. WHY?
technically it would have seven and a half months since bush was not sworn in until january 20th. But then who is counting. As such it would and did take much longer then to rebuild the Intelligence and Military community after being run down by Clinton. You could also make a valid argument that a new presidents initial focus would be on those things he promised in his election run. The possible terrorist threat was just that a possible terrorist threat. I believe our government can screw anything up. But I have enough faith in our CIA and FBI to believe they would have acted if they had known that there were terrorist living and training in the US and plotting a major attack. The argument that the clinton folks knew that and warned Bush is utterly rediculous. The FBI would not have stood by and waited for Bush to tell them to go after the terrorist. Its an asinine argument any way you shake it.
Also considering many of the important events of the late 1990's, was the Clinton impeachment a whitewash from the get go to divert attention, both public and press, from other more real and pressing issues taking place behind the scenes? Political theater whose purpose was to distract prying eyes from looking elsewhere. In a sane world, this kind of thinking would be pure insanity but the truth is we don't live in a sane world.
The clinton impeachment was about truth and integrity a concept Clinton did not understand.
Robert McNamara and the release of LBJ tapes prove without a doubt that the Gulf of Tonkin incident "never happened" (Mac's own words). Vietnam was predicated on a complete political lie crafted by political workman out to fulfill a self serving end. What will we finally learn of the Middle East and the 1990's and 2000's 40 or 50 years from now? What will our children and children's children think of us then? But then that assumes freedom of speech and thought will still exist for them. With what we are doing now, I don't feel good for their condition.
warning government creating wars to feed the war machine alert.
Americans love the illusion that treachery and intrigue are always co-partners with other govt's or govt's of histories past while ignoring the fact of human nature and it's impact where power is concerned. We love to quote
Lord Acton but do we really consider what he is telling (warning)
The deeper you look at ALL gov't, the more it does begin to look like a Tom Clancey novel. Maybe Tom has been trying to tell us something!