central state pension


nowhere special
I believe in 1982 we still had a driver sort and we unloaded our own pick ups. We had maybe 2 PT at the most.
PT were on a company plan. With the 10 year requirement to get vested at the time it was more myth than reality. That did change to 5 years a few years later.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
New Talking Tough Guy! Only $49.99. Free in the Central! $79.99 East and West! @542thruNthru



Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
@Wally, all I know is the income tax and property taxes out here are very low. That was a raise right there. Plus people are moving here and more importantly, businesses are moving here. I can’t tell you how many 1 million square feet warehouses are here. Keeps my property tax nice and low. How many people retire to your state? Get out.


Well-Known Member
Refresh my bad memory? Red circle year?


In the Spirit of Honore' Daumier

It is fun to go back through the "Way Back Machine" and to see how dumbed down we are today...apathy and lack of any form of leadership has destroyed much of our deep thinking, now we are for the most part just sheep. I sometimes go trace myself through B/C's archives under my different surnames (O/C, Cezzane, Delacroix) and see other responses and wonder whatever happened to those much informed posters. Seriously we had some smart people that actually knew stuff !


Well-Known Member
It is fun to go back through the "Way Back Machine" and to see how dumbed down we are today...apathy and lack of any form of leadership has destroyed much of our deep thinking, now we are for the most part just sheep. I sometimes go trace myself through B/C's archives under my different surnames (O/C, Cezzane, Delacroix) and see other responses and wonder whatever happened to those much informed posters. Seriously we had some smart people that actually knew stuff !
This is why thank goodness there is a digital record that can be gone over for referencing.