Again, another Rush limbaugh example repeated by you. What Obama was talking about was the PRODUCTION AUTOMOBILE.
Carl Benz just made the first motor powered carriage. NOT the first production automobile.
Now, I realize you never heard what obama actually said, just the distortion of a drug addict who will say anything just to promote a failed ideology.
The Rush syndrome. A phenomenon that is actually hurting the right wing vs helping it. By being an obstructionist, he is finding himself at Odds with the RNC. By insulting Michael Steele, Rush is asking for a beatdown by republicans. Steele, recently called Rush what he is: an infotainer.
Rush, upset by being called a "nothing" has gone on the attack on Michael Steele. This will work to the Dems benefit as it has made Rush more vocal on his extreme views about the republican party.
Thank you Michael Steele.
As far as the budget and spending, you right wing kooks need to remember one thing, President Bushed NEVER included spending on either war and deferred that cost to the next president. Now you want to cry about deficits, yet forget that the majority of that debt was caused by your president and the republican congress. Over 1 trillion on 2 failed wars deferred to our young president to deal with.
This banking crisis started in september 2007 when president BUSH ignored the warning signs and ALL the banks were reporting HUGE debts each month ranging from 10 to 20 billion. When banks starting writing off 10's of billions of dollars in losses, all he did was give them some cash in early 2008 and defer the eventual crash of the banking sector for 2009.
This falls squarely on BUSH's shoulders. He furthered the extention of this recession by printing money he didnt have to send us a stimulus check in 2008.
These 2 actions extended the recession he ever so convieniently denied for a year.
BUSHED raised the debt ceiling 9 times since he was sworn in and took the deficit to its highest levels in history.
The recession began in december 2007 and continues today. Americans know this and realize it was the republicans who caused it to happen.
Brett, with the chart you posted, maybe you didnt realize what you posted. I realize that Rush convinced you of the nonsense you posted, but what you failed to realize is the reality of the chart.
Take a look from 1980 to 1992 and look how far REAGAN took the deficit, then look at 1992 to 2000 and see how a democratic, big spender, welfare waster, entitlement giveaway president reduced that debt, then look at your hero GW BUSHED and see how from 2000 to 2009 he destroy the economy.
In 2000, he had the largest surplus for a new president, and in 8 years he ruined a country.
Why not take a pencil and add up the deficits of REAGAN, BUSH 1 and BUSH 2 and then ask yourself if these 3 republican morons are directly responsible for the destruction of american fiscal responsibility? They are right there on your chart. Again, thanks for posting it for all to see.
Now, the new president has to do something to stop the bleeding from the deep wounds inflicted on a country by a president who many believe was a ch*t for brains.
Ya know, the many times I stop by to read what the right wing posts on this site, I am always amazed at the level of denials you all have.
Its too bad, this country needs us to be americans, and yet, the republicans want to be a divided country and keep things in the toilet.
Brett, Rush is an idiot, a convicted drug addict, and a man without a formal education. IF you want to listen to an idiot that badly, why not stop by GW Bush's ranch and sit a spell.