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The Wall Street Journal's editorial writers fear that any day, we will be naked unto our enemies. President Obama, they warn, wants to lavish money on everything but the military. America faces an array of threats, and "Obama's budget isn't adequate to those challenges."
Really? Cindy Williams, a defense scholar at Massachusetts Institute of Technology and former assistant director of the Congressional Budget Office, points out that Obama wants to spend 2 percent more in the next fiscal year than President Bush allocated for this year, and 9 percent more than we spent last year.
Bush also planned for the defense budget (apart from Iraq and Afghanistan) to shrink slightly each year starting in 2010. Obama's blueprint calls for the defense budget to remain about the same. "Spending will actually be higher under Obama's plan than under Bush's," says Williams.
So much for the Myth of Democratic Defense Cuts
But there's another part of this story that I find most interesting. From the same article:
But as conservatives have been known to point out, Washington policymakers have funny ways with numbers. Last year, the Defense Department asked for an increase of nearly $60 billion in the 2010 budget over what had been planned. The Obama administration declined but agreed to a smaller increase.
So conservatives should be pleased, right? Wrong. Since the increase the Pentagon got is less than it wanted, they claim Obama is "cutting" defense spending. By that logic, if you ask for a 50 percent raise and get only 10 percent, you've suffered a pay cut.
Why I find this so interesting is because going back to the 1990's and the Republican Congress and even into the first term of Bush where Repubs. had it all, if some favorite democrat bureacracy got a raise in budget but not the desired increase democrats called for, in others words "we want 50% but you are only giving us 10% so you are cutting" and when this happened, republicans correctly cried foul in the politicial deception of calling this a cut. Well it seems now the shoe is on the other foot and look at who is fostering the same deception as they once protested against?
The only change I see in Washington is in underwear and socks and I'd even entertain evidence that my thinking there could be wrong.

Other than that, Change is a complete myth too!