Just give it up! Take your logic and rational thinking and just go somewhere else!
It's ashame we don't have pictures of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson when they were President showing Obama and the rest of us the proper way to stand and salute to the flag during the national anthem. I know they didn't have cameras and all and....uh.....hey wait a minute.........let me.....oh WOW, they didn't have a National Anthem to begin with. OMG! Or a pledge of alliegence! WHAT THE!
How in the world did they display their patriotism in public? OH MY, pledging to the flag is a 20th century invention so they didn't have such things at that time. How can that be? How could this country go 100 plus years and not only survive but grow in a mighty way without such things? How can they not have created objects and means for people to show everyone else that they are patriotic? Is this not a necessary thing and a must have to show you are patriotic and love your country?
You mean they spent all that time drafting documents like the Declaration of Independence, Articles of Confederation, the Mecklenburg Accords, Virginia Declaration of Rights or Speeches like "Give Me Liberty of Give Me Death" and finally even with it's flaws, the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights and in none of that, these men saw no reason or need to make up a pledge of alliegence, a national anthem and a ceremony of public display to respect the flag in order to show patriotic alliegnece? You mean at public gatherings they never started off by dooign such things because they had nothing to work with!
Why, what does that say about those men of that day?
Did you ever feel like a man who came prepared to play chess but those all around only had the mental capacity at best to shoot marbles!
YO D! Hold the door man, as I'm coming with you. Grab a couple of brews from the fridge and I'll get the chessboard!