Overpaid Union Thug
Well-Known Member
All these issues that keep popping up on here (mostly regarding Liberals...see the pattern?) are signs that this country is slowly but surely losing it's moral fiber. Isn't that how Rome went down?
Depends on who you ask, but I wouldn't say that that was the consensus view.All these issues that keep popping up on here (mostly regarding Liberals...see the pattern?) are signs that this country is slowly but surely losing it's moral fiber. Isn't that how Rome went down?
But you don't believe them either, so I'm not sure what you are trying to say?But I thought a consensus wasn't needed? Al Gore and the rest of the global warming whackos sure didn't need one. LOL!
But I thought a consensus wasn't needed? Al Gore and the rest of the global warming whackos sure didn't need one. LOL!
All these issues that keep popping up on here (mostly regarding Liberals...see the pattern?) are signs that this country is slowly but surely losing it's moral fiber.
All these issues that keep popping up on here (mostly regarding Liberals...see the pattern?) are signs that this country is slowly but surely losing it's moral fiber. Isn't that how Rome went down?
Morality......Who determines morality? As Kmac points out it ultimately is all of us, whether you conform to morality or cross the line of morality, whether you use it to apply to Gov't, Religion, Politics, whether you live in a small rural community or a large urban population, morality fluxuates to the conditions it is dealt with as well as the acceptance or ridicule of the people afflicted.
Morality also is influence by one era to another era, starting at the begining of recorded history it has evolved from generation to generation and has been used as a tool as mentioned in the first paragraph.
Remember there was a time not so long ago where rock-n-roll and dancing was ilegal, and Elvis wasn't allowed to shake his hips, and womens clothing and bathing suits truly do looked like grandma's attire on young women. And now I am fascinated by the question of how our morality will change in the future. Viewing this question from an assumption that we are on top of the moral pyramid, it is easy to pass judgement on past societies, but how will future generations look down at us in their lofty positions?
An interesting article from one of your libertarian brothers Wkmac:
For one group to claim that their the standards for high moral fiber is absolute, is what I refer to as Egoism reflecting self interest, and deflecting any accountabilty of an accusation of a declining moral society.
Individuals sometimes feel that making an appropriate lifestyle choice invokes a true morality, and that accepted codes of conduct within their chosen community are fundamentally moral, even when such codes deviate from more general social principles.
All I got to say is why was Al Gore's name brought up.I still laugh at him losing the 2000 election.He blamed every republican and every democrat...If he could have won his home state, he wouldn't have to blame himself....LOL
And yes...he couldn't even win his own state. Us Tennesseans were smart enough to keep him out of the white house.
But you weren't smart enough to not send him to Washington in the first place when you voted him into the Senate!
Sorry, you put that one in my wheelhouse so I drove it over the wall in deep right field!
Put me in coach!