Its so interesting that ups prides themself in having "integrity", and this kind of crap that people describe on here continues to go on. I believe there needs to be a restructuring here at ups from the region level up. Do folks in atlanta know what is going on? At one time the individual centers were run like their own "company." If the business manager needed to run an extra route, they did. Then IE started dictating how many routes a center could run from, at best, sketchy forcasted package predictions. Now it seems like the region level is running the show. I wonder at what point someone stops this kind of reckless running of things. What benefit does ups have to continue to upset all levels of personnel at this company. Happy employees are productive employees, I guess someone missed that memo. No business runs perfectly, there are always problems, but ups brings on most of these things themselves. Its not just a few employees, or a "renegade" center somewhere, this is happening nationwide, at all centers and hubs. If anyone of you have ever read the ups charter, or the policy book, they just dont reflect how the ups employee is treated today. Policy book info might have been valid in 1950, but nothing that is in there is true in the ups of today. Yes, costs are up from 1950, competition is more fierce than 1950, but there is no reason, absolutely no business reasons why "employees" need to be treated like they are. It does our company no good, it is counterproductive, it cost ups more money, it gives our competition more opportunity, when ups employees are not able to rise up to their fullest potential, and instead are micromanaged, and held down. When was the last time someone in this company told you, "good job", or "thank you."