Nine Lives
A lot of people will have a lot of different opinions on the whole issue.... I loved it simply because I know a couple of the managers of the stores and they are class acts. The fact that it became a political story made it even better. It all started to try and make the chain to look bad, but the support had a life of its own
On further reflection and a bigger keyboard other than my phone which makes me prone to misspelling. As private citizens we are entitled to our opinions and to boycott anyone or anyplace we want based on our personal views. Public figures on the other hand should not be allowed to use their office to say what bussiness can or cannot be in their city or state. That being said I still miss their spicy chicken bagel sandwich for breakfast but will not stop for one.
If I'm ever up your way, I'll go buy you one and bring it to you ... and some Dunkin' Donuts coffee.