Chick Fil A


Engorged Member
I didn't realize this thread was in Current Events until Stupid arrived.
Y'all can have it to yourselves now.

An insult from you is actually a compliment, given your ridiculous positions. Here's one for you. If God disapproves of homosexuality so much, why did He "create" so many of them?


Engorged Member
What makes you think I was talking about you?
Oh yeah, the world revolves around you.

I chimed in, and an insult was hurled. Not intended for me? How about answering my question? The world most definitely does not revolve around me, it revolves around money.


Nine Lives
Gay people are arbitrarily denied the same marriage benefits that are given to straight people by our government.

My sister and her partner are married, but that marriage is not legally recognized by the federal government. They cannot claim "married" on their Federal tax returns. They cannot draw benefits from Social Security in the same way as a hetero couple, even though they pay the same amount into the system. In effect, our government is charging them with a "uterus tax" because there are two uterii in the marriage instead of one.

You are free to recognize or not recognize the legitimacy of their marriage as your religion or conscience dictates. You should not be have your government deny them the same benefits that you are eligible for as a heterosexual. Call it a marriage, call it a civil union, call it a sin, call it whatever the hell you want. They dont care. They just want the same rights that yoiu and I have.

It Could Happen To You - YouTube


Strength through joy
Hooray, the local tv news finally covered the Chick-fil-A story.
At the Burlington,Mass Mall the security detail came to an agreement with all 12 of the protesters that they could have 3 minutes to kiss.
Then they showed still pictures of all those others who waited hours the other day to show their support. Along with a couple of kissers interviews where they claimed that their actions would sent shock waves thru the American people perception of how Chick-fil-A was a racist company.

My question is why haven't these kissers done this in muslim owned establishments ?
The law is on their side , so why haven't they done so ?
A guess they are just chicken.


golden ticket member
Hooray, the local tv news finally covered the Chick-fil-A story.
At the Burlington,Mass Mall the security detail came to an agreement with all 12 of the protesters that they could have 3 minutes to kiss.
Then they showed still pictures of all those others who waited hours the other day to show their support. Along with a couple of kissers interviews where they claimed that their actions would sent shock waves thru the American people perception of how Chick-fil-A was a racist company.

My question is why haven't these kissers done this in muslim owned establishments ?
The law is on their side , so why haven't they done so ?
A guess they are just chicken.
They are scheduled to have a kiss-in at the next Boy Scout meeting!!


Staff member
I agree! Maybe you should listen to him.
Had a chat with him just the other day, he said he's a big supporter of gay marriage because he sincerely believes that everyone has a right to happiness with the person that they love. He said he loves us all equally and unconditionally and he's getting a little tired of being constantly misrepresented as some kind of cosmic bigot who hates gays and doesn't want them to get married or have the same rights as everyone else.


Nine Lives
Had a chat with him just the other day, he said he's a big supporter of gay marriage because he sincerely believes that everyone has a right to happiness with the person that they love. He said he loves us all equally and unconditionally and he's getting a little tired of being constantly misrepresented as some kind of cosmic bigot who hates gays and doesn't want them to get married or have the same rights as everyone else.

That does smack of Jesus's teachings (red words) except he would would say it was none of the government's business and if the government just had to get involved, it should regulate "Civil unions".


Well-Known Member
Interesting to watch all of this. (For some)


golden ticket member
Very interesting. These are the people who usually sit home while the ACLU and others scream.

Nice to see them come out for freedom of speech and hope they come out like this come November!!


Well-Known Member
I missed this, but I do not watch the View.


golden ticket member
I would hope everyone understands that the thing people object to, especially the LGBT community, is the money given by the Winshape Foundation to anti-LGBT groups:

Chick-Fil-A Donated Nearly $2 Million To Anti-Gay Groups In 2010 | Equality Matters

Anyone can say anything they want (within reason), but when people spend a lot of money to deny the rights of some people, that may be a step too far.

It's about free speech......did you watch the clip of the Paramus Mall and the gay couple supporting Chick-Fil-A ?? We may disagree, but it's about each individual's right to free speech whether we agree with them or not.
What charity they choose to support is none of our business and they have a right to give money where they want..
A private entity can give their money where they want. You think you'd be more upset about
how much money our own gov't spends on Planned Parenthood whether I'm OK with abortion or not???