Why did the CFA CEO feel the need to shoot off his mouth in the first place? What makes him an authority on gay marriage/rights? Sure, he has free speech, but so does everyone else last time I checked. So, if I, or anyone else, wishes to disagree with Mr. CFA....we can, and you shouldn't have an issue with it.
I'm positive there are lots of homosexuals in CFA upper management positions and that being gay at CFA has no negative implications.
You and other kool-aid drinkers don't get it! The owner never bashed gays AT ALL!! I actually think that his religious beliefs makes him worry for their "eternal happiness" and God's wrath. IMO - this guy does not have a hateful bone in his body. I could be wrong. It is just a feeling I have...
If you want to love the same sex that is your decision. He didn't ban gays from Chick-Fil-A or is he trying to suppress their rights.
Kool-aid people twist the statement made to bring out their own hateful feelings and make it fit what they want it to fit to demean the CEO's beliefs and suppress his 1st amendment rights. It is another way to discount what he says.
This person believes in traditional marriage. He believes that is what God believes. That is his right. His interview was with a religious publication, not like some of the mayors who have the bully pulpit of the city of Chicago, Boston, San Francisco, DC, etc.
The Kool-aid drinkers or "protectors" of the gay cause are doing more harm than good for the gay rights movement. Your hate rears it's ugly head when you lash out against someone who did not make a hateful comment. Supporting traditional marriage is not hateful.
Reasonable Americans understand that there was no intent to harm gays but the backlash from some on the left caused people to come out including many in the gay & lesbian community.