Chick Fil A


Nine Lives
I'm still not sure about all these anti-gay foundations.
They seem to be more about the return to the traditional family.
That is a man and a woman marry for life providing a stable environment for their kids to grow up in.

That means they are against Hollywood marriages, against single parent households, probably against motherhood outside of marriage and possibly against a child being reared by a gay couple.

They may even support a gay couple raising a child over a single mother raising a child.

As most on here, I am intrigued by these allegations and would like more insight to the real on-goings of these groups.

As I said, I still remain skeptical as many of people screaming out about these groups have proven to be liars and spinners of the truth.


Well-Known Member
I'm still not sure about all these anti-gay foundations.
They seem to be more about the return to the traditional family.
That is a man and a woman marry for life providing a stable environment for their kids to grow up in.

That means they are against Hollywood marriages, against single parent households, probably against motherhood outside of marriage and possibly against a child being reared by a gay couple.

They may even support a gay couple raising a child over a single mother raising a child.

As most on here, I am intrigued by these allegations and would like more insight to the real on-goings of these groups.

As I said, I still remain skeptical as many of people screaming out about these groups have proven to be liars and spinners of the truth.

Agreed, apparently you are anti-gay if you don't full support the gay movement and everthing it encompasses. Kinda like your a racist if you disagree with or vote against Obama.


Least Best Moderator
Staff member
Excellent story. Makes it pretty clear.

Christians want to take over this country, and they are willing to use guns to get there... they would and could kill every non christian in this country if the rhetoric was strong enough.

Its no wonder todays americans dont really see them lasting over time, americans are becoming less and less involved with organized religion. All they do is preach hate.



This is one of the most ridiculous posts I have ever read on this site. You are the one always preaching hate
I'm sure we're not talking about the same thing.

Chik-Fil-A, after the controversy over Dan Cathy's comments about marriage, said that they were not anti-gay.

In fact, the company donates millions of dollars to organizations that actively work toward denying equal rights for homosexuals.

I have no idea about 'every Christian pastor' in America, and I'm not sure what this has to do with Obama and his view toward gay marriage (my guess is that Obama's always supported gay marriage, but he was being a politician in the way he handled it...shocker).

In any case, I'm talking about Chik-Fil-A. Is there something I'm saying about Chik-Fil-A that you disagree with?

Got a little news flash for ya, everyone that believes in the traditional definition of marriage is not anti-gay and damn sure do not hate homosexuals. I am one on that list. I've stated my stance on this issue many times, no need to do it again. The over blown and incorrect statement of haters of homosexuals is getting old.

No one really knows what Zer0bama supports today, tomorrow (depending on what group he is addressing) can be very different. Long story short...he's a freakin' liar. Less than a year ago he stated that he supported the traditional definition of marriage, but now when is needing the gay vote he supports gay marriage.

I don't remembering a more twisted and contrived published article in many years. David Badash is a hack. LOL, yes sir the Huffington post is known for it's complete and accurate reporting...NOT. As usual Huffington post uses half truths and ignores the full truth. Does it surprise you that a gay rights group would "certify" anyone that doesn't support gay rights as a hate group?

How much money has been donated to gay rights groups by wealthy individuals and corporations?


golden ticket member

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Except for the millions Chick-Fil-A has donated to anti-gay organizations.

Again, his organization can donate to whomever they want, but it's disingenuous to say that he isn't trying to suppress gay rights.

This is tantamount to the statement the CEO made and every one on the left called it gay bashing. He gives money to traditional family value organizations. So if you believe in traditional values you are - anti gay! Just like if you disagree with BO's policies you are a racist!

It is much easier to tear a man down by discrediting him through lies and un-true statements.

Who is the real basher???


golden ticket member
I'd be willing to bet his family doesn't go to R-rated movies........does that mean he's bashing Hollywood? We express ourselves with our $$$. We all have that right !!

Brett listed them for you already.



I saw the list...did you see where I asked:

Originally Posted by trplnkl

Can you please list the several organizations campaigning against gay rights and possible give links to reports on how they are doing this? I haven't heard any reports of this kind of activity in the news lately and considering the main stream media that favors the left, I'm sure they would have been reporting on these horrible activities. I do admit that I do not watch news shows 24/7 but something this big has to make the headlines somewhere.

After reading several of the links in the article that Jones provided, I found no hate spewing objections to homosexuals, just to the biblical stance on homosexual activity. I saw no one advocating that homosexuals be stoned or thrown from high places(presumably to their death). What I did see was seminars, classes and speeches offered to support the traditional, biblical definition of marriage. I suppose that can be called "anti-gay" but I see it as more of a pro-same gender relationship.

I'm not going to get into a religious debate or a discussion over translations of the bible with anyone here. Such a discussion would be a bigger no-win situation than the one over guns.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Excellent story. Makes it pretty clear.

Christians want to take over this country, and they are willing to use guns to get there... they would and could kill every non christian in this country if the rhetoric was strong enough.

Its no wonder todays americans dont really see them lasting over time, americans are becoming less and less involved with organized religion. All they do is preach hate.



WOW! The epitome of a hate post! The sad thing is you can't see through your own hate and contempt. You need help.


Well-Known Member
I just don't get it why is it a big deal?! The christian owner is funding an organization that against gay marriage, and the MSM jumps on it as like something terrible happens. Are they going to change his mind on the issue or what, all they did is helped to generate record sales which they didn't cover, just the negative (big)story.
IMO they have good food and that's all what matters to me. I eat there from time to time.


Staff member

I was kinda hoping they would do a nutritional comparison. Their basic chicken sandwich has 14 grams of fat and 1400 mg of sodium, add mayo, sauce, and a side of waffle fries and it gets even worse. That's probably better that McDonalds, BK, or Wendys (I think Wendys always does the worst) but it's still pretty bad and you're not doing yourself any favors by eating there on a regular basis. If you care about your health there are a lot better choices out there.