
Non liberal

Well-Known Member
I would have to know who and what other views they are.

Just a couple:

Not everyone views images of naked bodies as pornographic, some view it as art.

Not every love scene in art, movies or literature is viewed as pornographic to everyone either.
Children don’t belong looking at naked “art” either.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Maybe not to you, maybe not to me either, but some may view it differently.

That may be your opinion, that may be my opinion, but some parents may not see it the same as you or me.
Community standards have the legal authority.

"As a legal term in the United States, community standards arose from a test to determine whether material is or is not obscene as explicated in the 1957RA Supreme Court decision in the matter of Roth v. United States.[1] In its 6–3 decision written by William J. Brennan, Jr., the court held that material being obscene depended upon "whether to the average person, applying contemporary community standards, the dominant theme of the material taken as a whole appeals to prurient interest."


Binge Poster
Community standards have the legal authority.

"As a legal term in the United States, community standards arose from a test to determine whether material is or is not obscene as explicated in the 1957RA Supreme Court decision in the matter of Roth v. United States.[1] In its 6–3 decision written by William J. Brennan, Jr., the court held that material being obscene depended upon "whether to the average person, applying contemporary community standards, the dominant theme of the material taken as a whole appeals to prurient interest."

Community Standards not Biblical standards as some want to impose on the community at large.


Well-Known Member
Maybe not to you, maybe not to me either, but some may view it differently.

That may be your opinion, that may be my opinion, but some parents may not see it the same as you or me.
Yes, let's defend the right to keep graphic sexual material in school libraries where children have access to it. Wouldn't want them to miss out on the artistic value.

Non liberal

Well-Known Member
I can certainly appreciate your point of view.

Some parents as well as some school boards may not share your opinion.
Showing naked people in a school setting has no educational benefit whatsoever. I could see your point if there was an educational benefit, but there isn’t. Any educational benefit can be accomplished by black and white outlines. No need for color picture porn. I would hope as a decent person you would agree.


Binge Poster
Showing naked people in a school setting has no educational benefit whatsoever.
I won’t argue your point. Some may not share in your opinion on this matter. They have rights too.
I could see your point if there was an educational benefit, but there isn’t.
Some obviously do not share your point of view on this.
Any educational benefit can be accomplished by black and white outlines.
What does this mean?
No need for color picture porn.
I don’t know what you are describing.
I would hope as a decent person you would agree.
I firmly believe that the material that is in “my view” pornography is a scourge to mankind. To me that is not the issue here.

El Correcto

god is dead
I do not believe that it is accurate to associate the Bible with porn. IMO it is an unfair characterization of a beautiful piece of literature.

I’m not sure but I am fairly certain that the Bible and other religious texts were not in my public school library when I was in elementary school.
Yeah what a beautiful book.
Teaches kids that homos should be put to death, teaches them about daughters screwing their fathers, genocide, bestiality, rape and all sorts of great child appropriate stuff!


Well-Known Member
Yeah what a beautiful book.
Teaches kids that homos should be put to death, teaches them about daughters screwing their fathers, genocide, bestiality, rape and all sorts of great child appropriate stuff!
It’s almost like it tells the story of humanity. Thankfully, a savior comes along.


Well-Known Member
I won’t argue your point. Some may not share in your opinion on this matter. They have rights too.

Some obviously do not share your point of view on this.

What does this mean?

I don’t know what you are describing.

I firmly believe that the material that is in “my view” pornography is a scourge to mankind. To me that is not the issue here.
So it's the principle? You don't think a 10 year old should look at material of a graphic special nature but defend his parents' right to allow him to if they want to?

El Correcto

god is dead

There we go, there is that wonderful Christian love and forgiveness.