
El Correcto

god is dead
Once again, your ignorance is misguided.
Old Testament was populated by Jews.
New Testament is where you find Christians.
No it isn’t. You don’t know enough of the Bible.
Nope, your God commanded the death of gays at one point. That is important context for interpretations for the rest of the Bible.

“On Sunday, Awes suggested that those who disagreed with his sermon were not real Christians because the killings of gay people "is what God says."

Go look at mainstream conservatism even in this thread and the lgbt thread. You people agree with this man, read the article. Maybe you will find out just how Christian you really are.


Well-Known Member
Oh so lining lgbt supporters up against a wall and murdering them is just a disagreement. Passing laws to execute homosexuals is just a disagreement. Trying to take away equal rights for gays is just a disagreement.

It’s not hateful it’s just a disagreement.
Where is that happening? And you need to understand that people can claim to be Christian and still do terrible things that are anything but Christian.


Well-Known Member
Nope, your God commanded the death of gays at one point. That is important context for interpretations for the rest of the Bible.

“On Sunday, Awes suggested that those who disagreed with his sermon were not real Christians because the killings of gay people "is what God says."

Go look at mainstream conservatism even in this thread and the lgbt thread. You people agree with this man, read the article. Maybe you will find out just how Christian you really are.
He's wrong to say that.


Well-Known Member
Nope, your God commanded the death of gays at one point. That is important context for interpretations for the rest of the Bible.

“On Sunday, Awes suggested that those who disagreed with his sermon were not real Christians because the killings of gay people "is what God says."

Go look at mainstream conservatism even in this thread and the lgbt thread. You people agree with this man, read the article. Maybe you will find out just how Christian you really are.

El Correcto

god is dead
“Though they know God’s righteous decree that those who practice such things deserve to die, they not only do them but give approval to those who practice them.”

The New Testament calls this a righteous decree.

13 “If a man practices homosexuality, having sex with another man as with a woman, both men have committed a detestable act. They must both be put to death, for they are guilty of a capital offense.

The New Testament condones God’s decrees as righteous, god decreed homosexuals should be killed. Practicing fundamentalist christians believe the government should execute homosexuals, not that they should go out themselves and take the law into their own hands.


Binge Poster
Yeah what a beautiful book.
Not full of perfect things but I do believe it is a most beautiful book.
Teaches kids that homos should be put to death, teaches them about daughters screwing their fathers, genocide, bestiality, rape and all sorts of great child appropriate stuff!
Not sold that it teaches what you say but even so, it teaches the most amazing thing as well.

It teaches me of the most amazing kind of love for humanity.


Binge Poster
Are you talking about the Jew that is tortured to death, I forgot about that part.
My understanding and faith is He was God in the flesh and willingly tortured to death for the sake of humanity because of his amazing love for the rejects mankind had become. Can’t forget about the amazing power and victory of the resurrection, God in the flesh is alive, this example of amazing love is still with us through the Holy Spirit. What beautiful, sacrificial love. What a beautiful living savior.

I respect your right to not believe as I believe. Peace be with you.
What a wonderful book for kids!
A book that teaches such amazing love IMO, with parents careful oversight, is wonderful for kids.
Get it out of the library.
Pretty sure that is not in public elementary school libraries. I never saw it there. But that was a long time ago.


Binge Poster
View attachment 422618

There we go, there is that wonderful Christian love and forgiveness.
I can’t see the love of Christ in the information you have presented here, but IMO that doesn’t mean it is not in the man’s heart.

It is my belief only God can see the depths of a person’s heart and soul. Even deeper than a person can see in themselves.

Why would a person of faith make a statement that values human life so little?

Especially in light of the high value that God has placed on mankind, especially the worst of us.

Using media and other sources is too easy.

There are so many publicized examples of religious fanatics, Bible fanatics, and political extremists, and corrupt politicians who bring disrepute to the cause of God and to the cause of self governance.

I think focusing on the extreme and the flaws is really counterproductive to positive change.


Binge Poster


Binge Poster
Well it IS one way to protect the innocence of children. Perhaps if we were allowed to do so without all the angst and protest, such a drastic measure wouldn't be considered.
IMO it actually wouldn’t protect anyone or anything. It would only will harm mankind more.

IMO anything that diminishes the respect and sanctity of all human life from the “womb to the tomb” is a scourge to mankind.

I believe anything that sets an example to not respect and diminish the sanctity of life, all life. The best of mankind, and those that people view as the worst of mankind is a detriment and a great harm to children across this planet.

I believe Jesus’s teaching about the treatment of enemies, those you may hate, is pretty clear. At least to me it is.

Not only pretty clear but amazing too. I believe children need to see more of this kind of radical love and not the depravity of hate.



Binge Poster
Anyone who thinks that pornographic material is educational can teach that to their children at home. They do not have my permission to teach it at school where my tax dollars participate.
This is not really how it works. You know that.
Just like they do not give the school permission to teach their children about Christ.
IMO this statement is of a related but different issue.
And I’m sorry but if god says they are sinning for perverting their child’s mind with disgusting images then so do I.
Where is this specifically mentioned including a definition and description of what specifically qualifies as a disgusting image?

Opinions and points of view vary about these kinds of things. Don’t you think it is important to respect others opinions and points of view even when you disagree with them?
And you should too or you are by no means a Christian.
So you now have a new requirement to qualify as a follower of Jesus?

You are not even a good person if that’s how you think.
That is your opinion, you are entitled to it.

It does sound a bit judgmental but it’s all good.




Well-Known Member
IMO it actually wouldn’t protect anyone or anything. It would only will harm mankind more.

IMO anything that diminishes the respect and sanctity of all human life from the “womb to the tomb” is a scourge to mankind.

I believe anything that sets an example to not respect and diminish the sanctity of life, all life. The best of mankind, and those that people view as the worst of mankind is a detriment and a great harm to children across this planet.

I believe Jesus’s teaching about the treatment of enemies, those you may hate, is pretty clear. At least to me it is.

Not only pretty clear but amazing too. I believe children need to see more of this kind of radical love and not the depravity of hate.

Since we're talking about Jesus, try to imagine the uproar 2000 years ago if little Joshua came home with a scroll that described sex acts and asked his mother what did it mean about a girl sucking on her friend's penis? Then his father came home to find an extraordinarily upset wife who showed him the scroll. It even had a drawing of a naked girl on her knees performing the act. The father had heard there was a very wise young man who had gained quite a following and was teaching in the plaza that very evening. So he gathered up the scroll and walked to where the crowd gathered. As he listened to questions being asked he was struck by the intelligence and wisdom of the man who was only in his early 30's. Finally he gathered up the courage and approached the teacher and told him what had transpired with his son that day. The teacher and his close followers listened intensely and then the teacher said: "I can see where such a description might confuse a child and worry a parent. It's been said that if a young woman does such things she is worthy of death by stoning. But I'm here to tell you that many amongst us think depicting oral sex is a beautiful thing. That children being exposed to such depictions is a good thing to many. So we must let them have their freedom or we are harming them mentally. Yea, verily, I say unto thee, stop covering up with these long robes. Expose some skin. It's not the end of the world if you do. But if you don't want to I understand. It's all good. What matters is everyone gets to do what they want. You can be modest. She over there can let it all hang out. The days of stoning are over. And if you can't be with the one you love honey, love the one you're with." And the father hurried home to tell his wife all that he saw and heard. And little Joshua was told if he found any more of those scrolls with the, um, interesting pictures, be sure to bring them home so that he could, um, inspect them. And he needed to get back down to the plaza for more of this new freedom talk too!
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