

Binge Poster
I agree hope they wise up and remove the Bible.
I do not believe that it is accurate to associate the Bible with porn. IMO it is an unfair characterization of a beautiful piece of literature.

I’m not sure but I am fairly certain that the Bible and other religious texts were not in my public school library when I was in elementary school.


Well-Known Member
That is not actually what I asked. See the 2 quotes below.

Not exactly what I said.

Things aren’t always as they appear.

First responsibility yes.

My right, not my responsibility to request, not insist.

Primarily yes


I would say the local school board has authority and final say as to what’s allowable.

You said:

I said:
It is exactly what you said. You said you weren't going to participate in a book burning ideology. You asked who was going to draw the line as to what is acceptable? And said to me "you?"

You then in the above post said the local school board has authority and final say as to what's allowable. So if the school board allows books in school libraries detailing graphic sexual acts you're saying it's their right to do so. You've also said protesting such things at school board meetings isn't the best way to handle these things.

In no way should such material be available to kids to read and your expectation that children should bring such books to their parents to examine isn't realistic in the real world. Are you going to read a 400 page book every time your child brings one to you? Most parents are going to find out the hard way when their child tells them what they just read. Assuming the child actually tells them. How would you even know that there's a problem with books at the library so that you could tell your child to bring all material to you first to examine if your child never tells you about the problem? And in order for you to find out, your child has to be exposed to it first. But in your perfect world scenario your child will bring everything to you first and you're going to spend hours every night pouring through books to make certain they're acceptable rather than tell the school board at their meeting that kids in your child's school are being exposed to inappropriate material because who are you to judge what's inappropriate. That's the school board's job and if they allow it we shouldn't question it.

What I find very telling in your posts is you think we shouldn't push back against sin because sin is in the eye of the beholder. What we deem as inappropriate for children may not seem like a problem to others. So just live and let live. And is exactly why our society is tumbling into an abyss.
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Never bought my own handtruck
So a book describing sex acts for entertainment, not education, needs a line drawn? Is it acceptable for 8, 10, 12 year olds to read novels from school libraries that describe vividly both adults as well as teens having sex? This is an actual thing, I've seen videos of kids and adults reading from such books at schoolboard meetings. Even if it's a nonfiction educational book it shouldn't be seen by kids that young.
So, close down the internet too, all of this is actually where kids are learning all the stupid crap you think they learn in school.
If I was concerned about any material in my children’s school library the first thing I would do is I would instruct my children not to read anything out of the school library before I personally review it and approve it for them to read.

It is just that simple.
You obviously don’t have kids do you? You would “instruct” them? Lmfaoooooooooooo!!!


Binge Poster
It is exactly what you said. You said you weren't going to participate in a book burning ideology. You asked who was going to draw the line as to what is acceptable? And said to me "you?"

You then in the above post said the local school board has authority and final say as to what's allowable. So if the school board allows books in school libraries detailing graphic sexual acts in you're saying it's their right to do so. You've also said protesting such things at school board meetings isn't the best way to handle these things.

In no way should such material be available to kids to read and your expectation that children should bring such books to their parents to examine isn't realistic in the real world. Are you going to read a 400 page book every time your child brings one to you? Most parents are going to find out the hard way when their child tells them what they just read. Assuming the child actually tells them. How would you even know that there's a problem with books at the library so that you could tell your child to bring all material to you first to examine if your child never tells you about the problem? And in order for you to find out, your child has to be exposed to it first. But in your perfect world scenario your child will bring everything to you first and you're going to spend hours every night pouring through books to make certain they're acceptable rather than tell the school board at their meeting that kids in your child's school are being exposed to inappropriate material because who are you to judge what's inappropriate. That's the school board's job and if they allow it we shouldn't question it.

What I find very telling in your posts is you think we shouldn't push back against sin because sin is in the eye of the beholder. What we deem as inappropriate for children may not seem like a problem to others. So just live and let live. And is exactly why our society is tumbling into an abyss.
I am trying to work with you here in discussion.

I have said something like this in the past but IMO you seem not to excel at quoting what is previously said, keeping in context to the current point of the discussion, and following the flow of discussion.

I am not sure this reply is worth a response or what that response should be.

I will pray for guidance in this area, if and when I have more clarity I will reply, or not.


Well-Known Member
He doesn't believe he has to follow the Bible because in his opinion it's the written traditions of men. He believes he gets direct revelation from the Holy Spirit.

Billions and billions are the same.......

I'm curious, how do you know(he's not"right")....exactly?


Well-Known Member
It is exactly what you said. You said you weren't going to participate in a book burning ideology. You asked who was going to draw the line as to what is acceptable? And said to me "you?"

You then in the above post said the local school board has authority and final say as to what's allowable. So if the school board allows books in school libraries detailing graphic sexual acts you're saying it's their right to do so. You've also said protesting such things at school board meetings isn't the best way to handle these things.

In no way should such material be available to kids to read and your expectation that children should bring such books to their parents to examine isn't realistic in the real world. Are you going to read a 400 page book every time your child brings one to you? Most parents are going to find out the hard way when their child tells them what they just read. Assuming the child actually tells them. How would you even know that there's a problem with books at the library so that you could tell your child to bring all material to you first to examine if your child never tells you about the problem? And in order for you to find out, your child has to be exposed to it first. But in your perfect world scenario your child will bring everything to you first and you're going to spend hours every night pouring through books to make certain they're acceptable rather than tell the school board at their meeting that kids in your child's school are being exposed to inappropriate material because who are you to judge what's inappropriate. That's the school board's job and if they allow it we shouldn't question it.

What I find very telling in your posts is you think we shouldn't push back against sin because sin is in the eye of the beholder. What we deem as inappropriate for children may not seem like a problem to others. So just live and let live. And is exactly why our society is tumbling into an abyss.
Because WE don't follow and heal to your religious ideology?

This is exactly what led to the Crusades......Iran..Afghanastan..slaughtering lambs.....different unspeakable atrocities but the outcome is the same. All in the name of.......religion.

Something about "such venom"?


Well-Known Member
So, close down the internet too, all of this is actually where kids are learning all the stupid crap you think they learn in school.

You obviously don’t have kids do you? You would “instruct” them? Lmfaoooooooooooo!!!
That's a good point but parents do have much more control over internet access if they're proactive. And likely most aren't. But what I don't get is the pushback on taking such things out of school libraries. And glossing over the teaching of such things as CRT and gender identity.


Well-Known Member
Because WE don't follow and heal to your religious ideology?

This is exactly what led to the Crusades......Iran..Afghanastan..slaughtering lambs.....different unspeakable atrocities but the outcome is the same. All in the name of.......religion.

Something about "such venom"?
If you want to howl at the moon while dancing around a fire that's your business. But keep pornographic material away from kids. Do you think you can find common ground there or do you want kids to read such things?


Well-Known Member

Billions and billions are the same.......

I'm curious, how do you know(he's not"right")....exactly?
What I do know is he doesn't believe the Bible is God's word and if he disagrees with part of it he feels he doesn't have to follow it. I know you believe that too but the difference is he claims to be a Christian.


Well-Known Member
I am trying to work with you here in discussion.

I have said something like this in the past but IMO you seem not to excel at quoting what is previously said, keeping in context to the current point of the discussion, and following the flow of discussion.

I am not sure this reply is worth a response or what that response should be.

I will pray for guidance in this area, if and when I have more clarity I will reply, or not.
Maybe, maybe not, is par for the course.


Well-Known Member
I am trying to work with you here in discussion.

I have said something like this in the past but IMO you seem not to excel at quoting what is previously said, keeping in context to the current point of the discussion, and following the flow of discussion.

I am not sure this reply is worth a response or what that response should be.

I will pray for guidance in this area, if and when I have more clarity I will reply, or not.
I'm repeating what you've posted.