Clarence Thomas accepts millions of dollars in gifts from Republican donor


Well-Known Member
Does anyone know how Joe and Jill Biden became wealthy? Their Son?

Bill and Hillary Clinton? While being close friends with a known human trafficker and child molester?

Nancy Pelosi?


Well-Known Member
Thomas and Roberts make the rest of them pale in comparison. Plus, we don't know the full extent of the corruption. Thomas needs to go. Hey, Biden can appoint Obama to the SCOTUS. Watch Conservative heads explode.
Saw the numbers the other day. Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Stephen Breyer took many, many more trips on others dimes than Thomas.


Well-Known Member
Can you name the other students Mr Crow paid for?

What about the home that Justice Thomas' mother still lives in? What about payments to Ginni Thomas by Leonard Leo? What about tuition at Randolph-Macon Academy that Mr. Crow paid for? Was that also his alma mater? Let's not forget the luxury vacations.

When did Harlan Crow become "dearest friends" with Clarence Thomas?

Lots of questions and no honest answers.


Well-Known Member
Using the "separation of powers" excuse is not a "get out of jail free" card allowing SCOTUS judges to do whatever they want including being on the take for whatever economic gains they can lay claim to .
The question is: How does the Clarence Thomas matter differ from that of Abe Fortas?
The federal Ethics in Government Act didn’t require that the tuition payments be publicly disclosed “because the definition of a ‘dependent child’ under the Ethics in Government Act (5 U.S.C. 13101 (2)) does not include a ‘great nephew


Well-Known Member
This guy says what?




Inordinately Right
Clarence Thomas has a rich friend

Idiots are just butthurt that it's harder to kill babies. These people practice child sacrifice as part of their religion. It's why they're so triggered.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Conservatives like yourself pride yourselves on your self reliance and absence of need for state and federal social program benefits. You have clearly failed both your fellow conservatives and your ideology. But no need to be embarrassed for this simple reason.

When it comes to MAGA's and "conservatives" attacks and demonization of those social programs I find it to be insincere and disingenuous and simply an effort to try to coverup the fact that so many of them are living on the damn stuff. No need for you to be anything aside from being exactly like the rest.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Clarence. Living large as the house pet of Harlan Crow.

Agree that the relationship is probably corrupt but the characterization of Thomas as a "house pet" sounds kinds racist. Maybe it's due to how leftists insist on thinking about the status of black people relative to whites.