"The One enthroned in the heavens laughs" - Psalm 2:4Jesus is disappointed.
A 40-year-old mystery about rising temperatures on the moon has been solved — and it was probably the Apollo astronauts' fault
So the moon has risen as much as 6 degrees in 50 years, because of some footprints. A lot more footprints on earth, we should have risen 100 degrees in that timeframe. We must have a cooling effect after all. Lol
are these the guys who have the clock 2 minutes to midnight?
noare these the guys who have the clock 2 minutes to midnight?
im not talking about iron maiden
well done:
Extinction Symbol @extinctsymbol Jul 7
Climate protest in Cologne. They're standing on ice blocks.
didnt rage use this on the cover of their first album?They need to quit being pusillanimous.
They need to quit being pusillanimous.
come on global warmingwell done:
Extinction Symbol @extinctsymbol Jul 7
Climate protest in Cologne. They're standing on ice blocks.
come on global warming
your kids are screwed.come on global warming
If its so hot out why are they dressed in dark clothes and long pants? Stupid Millennialswell done:
Extinction Symbol @extinctsymbol Jul 7
Climate protest in Cologne. They're standing on ice blocks.