I don't think we have a problem with "diversity"
We have a problem with blacks and other ethnic groups who have this sense of "entitlement" whereas they think we owe them something because they are black or whatever other skin tone.
"I wants some of that Obama money" seems to be the battle cry for alot of blacks.
This country DOES owe them more. For a hundred years, blacks and other minorities were prevented from being a part of the american dream, and you think in a couple of decades its all evened up now?
"Social Herding" aka GHETTOS have not been eliminated. Theyve been made worse. What did you think was going to happen to this country when jobs started going overseas???
What did you think was going to happen to this country once the GOP created NAFTA was passed and corporations left this country in record numbers under BUSH?
Were those Ghettos suppose to just disappear?
Why do you think there are millions still unemployed in this country after BUSH lost 11 million jobs in 8 years? Did you believe OBAMA could re employ all of them in less than 4 years?
heck, even MITT Romney and Paul Ryan say it will take until 2020 to re employ americans, and thats 8 more years. We are only a few generations removed from the civil rights act passage and it will take a couple more decades for blacks and hispanics to catch up to white america.
Its a slow process, buts its happening.
Blacks or any other minority want only one thing, a chance, a chance to have a career, but the GOP knew better and sent all the careers overseas. ROMNEY knows alltowell how that works, seeing when he took over the Olympics in salt lake he OUTSOURCED most of the Olympics to third world countries, and for that YOU praise him.
The GOP says it themselves, "small business is the engine of the economy".... but doesnt that say it loud and clear for you? They would prefer NON CAREER jobs for you and your children.
Why hasnt ONE GOP politician talked about career jobs? You know, one with high pay , benefits and a pension??? They only want to promote the low wage small business model for america. Why isnt there ONE GOP politician who talks about bringing factories back to the united states?
The only thing they say is that they want to cut taxes for the corporations and keep their collective fingers crossed that somehow, someway, those corporations will open a factory in this country. But its not true, it never has been the case.
You could cut corporate taxes to ZERO and they still wont open a factory here in the USA.
NAME ONE CORPORATION that said it will return to the USA if their taxes are cut?
Good luck on that mission.