Clint Eastwood's RNC Speech


golden ticket member
Life insurance is not Medicare. Life insurance is another animal totally.

At 65, whether you like it or not, you go to Medicare and it's not free, but much, much cheaper than the ins. companies. You have no choice.
That's all I'm answering.....your buddies can answer the war thingy. They seem to know everything!


Für Meno :)
Life insurance is not Medicare. Life insurance is another animal totally.

At 65, whether you like it or not, you go to Medicare and it's not free, but much, much cheaper than the ins. companies. You have no choice.

What don't you get ? Romeny/Ryan want to privatize medicare.
Every insurance premium is charged by a certain risk factor.
Examples are : A young driver pays more car insurance than an experienced accident free older driver.
A smoker or older, unhealthier person pays more for life insurance.
A home without alarm system or smoke detectors pays more than a home with those items.

And you believe a private medicare insurance will not be charged by risk factors ?
You are diabetic yourself, so automatically you should be paying more for private medicare than a total healthy person your same age.
That's the private free market for you - the one that you so much desire and will vote for !


Well-Known Member
What don't you get ? Romeny/Ryan want to privatize medicare.
Every insurance premium is charged by a certain risk factor.
Examples are : A young driver pays more car insurance than an experienced accident free older driver.
A smoker or older, unhealthier person pays more for life insurance.
A home without alarm system or smoke detectors pays more than a home with those items.

And you believe a private medicare insurance will not be charged by risk factors ?
You are diabetic yourself, so automatically you should be paying more for private medicare than a total healthy person your same age.
That's the private free market for you - the one that you so much desire and will vote for !

I'm almost certain that you have not read their proposal.


Engorged Member
This is all going nowhere fast.

You have 3 or 4 white-hating liberals. One signs peace with every post and has no desire for peace.

One or two of them work for friend'n fdx.

I happen to like the candidate I picked.and I don't like the candidate they picked.

We all will cancel your votes out and that's why you are so angry !! I get it !! Ha Ha Ha !!!

Too bad you live in a largely liberal state which will go to Obama, cancelling out your vote for Mr. Magic Pants. So sad!!


Well-Known Member
and I am sure you havent either.



Wow Baghdad Bob is wrong again. I'm not shocked but what is shocking is why you keep coming out from underneath your rock with so many incorrect statements. Is your entire campaign for failure this season going to be based on untrue statements? You must have a real fear your guy is gonna lose. I know you haven't read it because it is not printed in cartoons.

For those interested this is the plan Ryan proposed for Medicare. What he does is convert Medicare spending into a block grant to the states allowing the states to take care of their citizens.



Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Romney and Ryan can't even agree on what the plan will be, we'll have to wait until after the election to find out. Ryan has proposed a number of plans, and will likely propose a number more.

The current Ryan plan calls for cuts to education and assistance for the needy and increases in military spending.

I just finished listening to both Ryan and Romney on today's news shows. They didn't directly answer one question they were asked.


Engorged Member
Wow Baghdad Bob is wrong again. I'm not shocked but what is shocking is why you keep coming out from underneath your rock with so many incorrect statements. Is your entire campaign for failure this season going to be based on untrue statements? You must have a real fear your guy is gonna lose. I know you haven't read it because it is not printed in cartoons.

For those interested this is the plan Ryan proposed for Medicare. What he does is convert Medicare spending into a block grant to the states allowing the states to take care of their citizens.


Ron Paul in 2012!!!! Yeah!! Oh...


Well-Known Member
Ron Paul in 2012!!!! Yeah!! Oh...

I was hoping Ron Paul and his supporters would raise Cain at the such luck.

Instead the RNC rigged the rules so that Ron Pauls of the future would be less likely to succeed.

Cynicism/Cronyism at it's best.


golden ticket member
He's 77....that's the main problem of all of congress....maybe they should have a mandatroy out at 67 or so.

How much future do you think Ron has??


Well-Known Member
He's 77....that's the main problem of all of congress....maybe they should have a mandatroy out at 67 or so.

How much future do you think Ron has??

How old was Reagan when he was elected for his second term?

I think you're correct, this will be Ron Paul's last Presidential bid.

But the general concept of a 'Ron Paul' freaked out the RNC so much that they tightened the rules regarding 'insurrection'-style candidates (word choice is mine, not theirs...).

My larger point is that the system, on both sides, and as a whole, is weighted towards money raised, obeisance to lobbyists and Big Business, etc. etc.

The system we have now winnows candidates down to who can give the best h-job to the real players that run this country, I.E. Corporations and BIG MONEY.

As citizens, we're ultimately left with a bogus choice between 'competing' ideologies, when in reality these candidates are 95% identical.

It's unfortunate.


Well-Known Member
If corp. capitalism eg big business is so much for absolute free markets that are free of all regulation and the same are all for extremely small gov't (or even no gov't), then why didn't said corp. capitalism/big business go all in with Ron Paul from the very beginning?

I mean corp. money backed Obama in 2008' who came out of nowhere behind the strength of a new American fiction sold to the American people which begged for more gov't. This election, a lot of that same money and corp. backing has shifted over to Romney and we are expected to believe we will get something different? A smaller gov't footprint?

So I return to my original question, why was Paul ignored if American capitalism hates big gov't and regulation?


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The Chair
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