I, for one, am tired of hearing how it will change. I want to see the change. Novel idea! Get the 1 trillion dollars from Iraq. Another one! Gas prices are out of control. There are two things I want to see immediately.
IRAQ should be paying for our military service, but that wont happen. Bush made a deal to leave them off the hook. We EAT that money. As for gas prices, I agree, however, there is no REASON for gas being this high. We are at ALL TIME LEVELS of oil reserves in this country and we are EXPORTING more oil than we are IMPORTING.
This is the first time since 1949 that this is happening yet, the oil companies are ripping us off at the pumps. Convenient refinery explosions the month before labor day, and the timely restoration of those refineries afterwards is now bringing prices down after the biggest driving weekend of the year. Gee, I wonder how that happened??
No more drilling will change or make a difference. We already have more oil in this country than we need, yet, rather than save it, our oil companies are selling it overseas and charging us twice what its worth.