So, maybe here's how it goes. One of the largest corporations offers healthcare to same sex partners. Other company's follow. Then when the left gets elected, it becomes legal to marry as same sex. Oh, but wait...what's next? Maybe you could marry your cousin, sister, brother...oh, hold on, what about your dog...or goat. THIS UPS SAME SEX HEALTHCARE ISSUE SHOULD HAVE STOPPED BEFORE IT STARTED!
Any idea why Rome fell? Welcome to Rome. And thanks for your imput diesel96. You must be quite an anti-American atheist.
You give anyone on the right a bad name when you start spewing crap like this!! This forum is meant to be a place to debate and exchange ideas.
My views are a mixture of conservative and Libertarian and most of the time I don't agree with diesel's liberal points of view but I sure don't agree with the trailer park attack tactics you used here.
Instead of telling people there going to be screwing all kinds of animals and their cousins next...why not share some facts!!
Now on to business...
Rome will fall if we don't stop the illegals and fix the border yesterday!!
I voted for Bush twice unfortunately he has been a big dissapointment with regards to fixing the illegal problem and he even tried to pass an amnesty bill earlier this year. What's he thinking...We're fighting a war over there so we don't have to fight it here...all the while they can just waltz across the border and set up camp????
Anyway back on topic!
In her program, she speaks of how health care is the right of every "American" -- but she has a rather expansive definition of "American." In 2005, Hillary co-sponsored legislation in the United States Senate to offer free health insurance, under the State Child Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) to the children of illegal immigrants who have lived in the United States for five years.
So, those who have dodged the immigration cops for five years successfully would be rewarded not only with legal status and a path to citizenship, but with immediate free health care for their children.
Indeed, when Democrats and liberals speak of the 50,000,000 uninsured Americans, more than one fifth of those are illegal immigrants.
Would Americans like to reward those whose only connection to our country is that they flouted our laws to come here with free health insurance for themselves and their children? Doubtless Hillary knows the answer is no, so she is determined to hide that aspect of her plan from the public.
Now isn't that nice!
In effect, her plan would turn
"insurance" into "subsidy." The concept of insurance is that one pays a relatively low premium to guard against catastrophic expenses that are outside of our ability to meet financially. But Hillary's program would really be nothing more than a cash transfer from the healthy to the sick, not an insurance program at all.
Finally, Hillary seeks to finance the system by ending tax breaks for the wealthy, by which she means any household with $250,000 or more in income. Never mind that she has spent that money several times over. But why use income taxes to finance her system? Why not do what Democrats and Republicans are now pushing in Congress -- to finance it by raising cigarette taxes? That way we get a double impact: higher tobacco prices cut smoking, particularly among teenagers, and reduce health costs and the revenues pay for her expansion of the system. The current Congress is passing legislation to raise cigarette taxes 61 cents per pack to pay for a $35 billion expansion of the State Child Health Insurance Program. Why not raise them $2 per pack to raise the $110 billion Hillary says her health care proposal will need?
In selling her program, Hillary seems to imply that she was under the hypnotic control of her advisers (presumably Ira Magaziner) in 1993 when she designed her previous health care reform. Now she says she is in charge. "I'm the decision maker now," she told The New York Times. "I have a plan that is 100 percent my plan." But what was the 1993 initiative but her plan, concocted in secret and foisted in toto on a Congress which wouldn't pass it?
Now she says she would not "have approached [health care reform] in the same way" as she did in 1993. Now she will be informed by "a greater dose of humility and empathy and understanding of what it takes to get things done in our political system."
That and a determination to conceal the true implications of her proposal until after she is elected.
Makes you feel warm and fuzzy don't it!!