Well-Known Member
Hey browniehound, I'm glad you brought up CLO H. We have always been told to use that on a holiday like today. The package doesn't show up on reports as a Sendagain. We have also been told to never sheet a commercial stop as closed during the 12-1300 Lunch Hour, because it is technically a Missed Stop then. But with GPS, are we now sheeting up closed stops from a different location and can this possibly be considered falsifying records?
Hey Scratch,
With the GPS and us sheeting "known closes" when we are not physically at the location, will not send the center manager after me for falsifying records when its on a holiday.
If he sees this happening a lot from the same driver, I think he would pursue disaplinary action, or at least demand an explanation as "why were you at 45 main st. and sheeting a package for 750 main st. as closed?"
I think as long as we can justify what we are doing to the management team they won't hold it against us when our deliveries and GPS locations don't "Jive".
This is how I feel it would be handled at my location, at least.