CNN is losing what credibility it has left


Well-Known Member
Social media is what got him elected.

I guess all that free air time from the MSM during the primaries did nothing to help his cause. Sure saved him a ton of money, his own mostly, as he was seen as merely an entertaining side show.

Had the media ignored Trump as nothing more than a circus act as they should have, whatever we think came later would be meaningless.


Well-Known Member
No slant to FOX, Breitbart, or Drudge?

Truth be told I hate the fox morning news shows , for me its more the personalities then the news.
I watch them if they have a guest speaker I find interesting.
their answer to fair and balanced is to have opposing spin masters argue and try to talk over each other , does not do much for me.

I will watch morning joe on msnbc if they have some type of balanced panel but that depends on what kind of mood joe and mika are in.

I will read the others you mentioned but that's hit or miss.

network news in my opinion has changed. NBC still learns left but has made an effort to move to the center. CBS evening news on the other hand has gone full tilt to the :censored2: side.

example immigration travel ban. NBC reports on the Syrian family that is finally able to finish immigrating here because the ban was lifted.
CBS does a story on the same family. Both show a 17 year old member of that family that was interviewed by both.
NBC shows clips of that 17 year speaking to his dream to come to this country and how excited he was to be here.
CBS only shows clips of that same 17 year old badmouthing trump and the travel ban.

same kid different responses shown on the two different networks. I think its safe to say the 17 year old kid had to be prompted somehow to go negative for the CBS interview.

Trump speaks to fake news and there is a lot to weed through. but what really bothers me is how the networks steer the story to put the spin on it they want.


Well-Known Member
Yes, I'm waiting for the next ethnic group to be scapegoated and for Trump to appoint his Goebbels.

Sheep like you will buy it all, and then after the bad stuff happens, you'll plead ignorance, which is your only defense anyway.

that's the fdx I know and love. you started to scare me with those calm rational posts you provided earlier.


golden ticket member
I sometimes catch the tail end of local news teams on various's like kindergarten with their bantering. I realize that the young ones are in their 20's, but they seem so dumb and juvenile.


Nine Lives
Obama didn't act like this. Comparing the MSM today and Fox during Obama is a massively false equivalency.
Now you are showing your inability to look at the scenarios objectively.
They are same.

I am a Libertarian (strong social liberal and very strong fiscal conservative) and so I see Obama and Bush Jr as essentially the same ... I don't really know what Trump is at this point.
I think he talks a good fiscal conservative line and his actions seem to indicate he is tolerant of others.
I'm still in a "wait and see" mode.


Staff member
I guess all that free air time from the MSM during the primaries did nothing to help his cause. Sure saved him a ton of money, his own mostly, as he was seen as merely an entertaining side show.

Had the media ignored Trump as nothing more than a circus act as they should have, whatever we think came later would be meaningless.
I think they did try to ignore him at first, remember it was all about Jeb and the other supposed front runners. But Trump kept leading in their polls which gave him a seat in their debates, and then he started winning primaries. At that point you can't ignore him.


Well-Known Member
Pointing out the constant lies by the administration and it's hack spokespeople is news. Reporting on a President and his billion dollar side business is news. Reporting on an United States President and his seamingly cozy dealings with the tyrant ruler of a vast nuclear nation is news.

This isn't "fake news". It's happening and it's having consequences across the globe.

the globe is already suffering. we tend to mock Trumps personality flaws but somehow don't recognize those flaws within ourselves. We tend to somehow think the world revolves around us. they pay attention to us but no they do not stop thinking and breathing if we say or do the wrong thing.

Isis does not wait to see how we implement policy before determining whether they will recruit more crazies for the cause.

Trump says what sounds like crazy things and no market crashes as a result if anything the dang things go up.

So when I keep hearing that ominous threat that a few choice words from Trump will send the world into some type of tail spin I wonder if its Trump or the pundits who are really the narcissists.


Staff member
Now you are showing your inability to look at the scenarios objectively.
They are same.

I am a Libertarian (strong social liberal and very strong fiscal conservative) and so I see Obama and Bush Jr as essentially the same ... I don't really know what Trump is at this point.
I think he talks a good fiscal conservative line and his actions seem to indicate he is tolerant of others.
I'm still in a "wait and see" mode.
I disagree. All he does is play to the adulation of his base. There is no desire to government beyond that.


Well-Known Member
They are same.

I am a Libertarian (strong social liberal and very strong fiscal conservative) and so I see Obama and Bush Jr as essentially the same ... I don't really know what Trump is at this point.
I think he talks a good fiscal conservative line and his actions seem to indicate he is tolerant of others.
I'm still in a "wait and see" mode.

I know a few libertarians I consider myself one. the ones I know bashed bush and bash trump without mercy but somehow never seemed to get annoyed by Obama. but they always claimed they considered the two the same?


Nine Lives
I was just trying to parse what you said, I'm not sure how you talk to someone without meeting them. Figured it was typo. Trump has said different things at different times about whether he met Putin or not so who knows.
I talk to people on the phone all the time that I have never met.
All I have heard through all the thrashing and wrenching is that Putin and Trump have both said they never met. Like you said ... no telling what they have done together. Probably

I think Trump believes he can work with anybody and find common ground ... if Obama had said this, he would have won another Nobel peace prize.


Well-Known Member
You are suggesting that politicians don't peddle power and influence except on very rare and illegal instances? Really? Whose head is in the sand?

you would be minimizing the efforts of Hillary by claiming a false equivalency. The Clinton foundation was an innovative approach to laundering money that was heads and tails above the normal corruption one could expect to see.

Her sale of twenty percent of our uranium rights to the Russians is a crime that makes all the mish mash your media lapdogs are presently chasing minor league baseball in comparison.

JL 0513

Well-Known Member
Just so people understand, prime time cable "news" don't do journalism. They are clearly labeled commentary. Why would one think Hannity, Maddow, or Don Lemon are pretending to be journalists as some posts here have suggested?

Finding "straight news" journalism is becoming increasingly difficult to find. Even what is supposed to be straight news such as NBC Nightly News has leftism all over it. Almost any source reporting on politics naturally is delivered by someone who has their personal beliefs bleed through. Even when an organization believes they are reporting on "what happened", it is usually through their political lens which means it's actually not "pure fact" and is up to interpretation. Each side simply sees the same thing two very different ways. You can take Trump's Thursday news conference and it's coverage for example. Mainstream news described it as chaotic and unhinged and filled with lies. On the other hand, if you like Trump, you saw it as brilliant and the very reason why he just won an election. So which is true?


Inordinately Right
you would be minimizing the efforts of Hillary by claiming a false equivalency. The Clinton foundation was an innovative approach to laundering money that was heads and tails above the normal corruption one could expect to see.

Her sale of twenty percent of our uranium rights to the Russians is a crime that makes all the mish mash your media lapdogs are presently chasing minor league baseball in comparison.
Move the :censored2: on bro, you have serious issues.


Nine Lives
I disagree. All he does is play to the adulation of his base. There is no desire to government beyond that.
Unfortunately for the Obamanites, Trump is doing a lot of governing.
It seems you are having the same problem I am having ... the News Media doesn't report what Trump is doing in his role as President so all we know he has small hands and he rode a horse shirtless with Putin.


Well-Known Member
I sometimes catch the tail end of local news teams on various's like kindergarten with their bantering. I realize that the young ones are in their 20's, but they seem so dumb and juvenile.

that's the other side to this. How does someone so young suddenly become a paid expert on politics and the government.