No slant to FOX, Breitbart, or Drudge?
Truth be told I hate the fox morning news shows , for me its more the personalities then the news.
I watch them if they have a guest speaker I find interesting.
their answer to fair and balanced is to have opposing spin masters argue and try to talk over each other , does not do much for me.
I will watch morning joe on msnbc if they have some type of balanced panel but that depends on what kind of mood joe and mika are in.
I will read the others you mentioned but that's hit or miss.
network news in my opinion has changed. NBC still learns left but has made an effort to move to the center. CBS evening news on the other hand has gone full tilt to the

example immigration travel ban. NBC reports on the Syrian family that is finally able to finish immigrating here because the ban was lifted.
CBS does a story on the same family. Both show a 17 year old member of that family that was interviewed by both.
NBC shows clips of that 17 year speaking to his dream to come to this country and how excited he was to be here.
CBS only shows clips of that same 17 year old badmouthing trump and the travel ban.
same kid different responses shown on the two different networks. I think its safe to say the 17 year old kid had to be prompted somehow to go negative for the CBS interview.
Trump speaks to fake news and there is a lot to weed through. but what really bothers me is how the networks steer the story to put the spin on it they want.