CNN is losing what credibility it has left


Staff member
Unfortunately for the Obamanites, Trump is doing a lot of governing.
It seems you are having the same problem I am having ... the News Media doesn't report what Trump is doing in his role as President so all we know he has small hands and he rode a horse shirtless with Putin.
I gave you a whole list off the top of my head that he has been doing as President. If he would learn to STFU, he might even like the press he gets.


Inordinately Right
Unfortunately for the Obamanites, Trump is doing a lot of governing.
It seems you are having the same problem I am having ... the News Media doesn't report what Trump is doing in his role as President so all we know he has small hands and he rode a horse shirtless with Putin.
Small hands you say?


Well-Known Member
I gave you a whole list off the top of my head that he has been doing as President. If he would learn to STFU, he might even like the press he gets.

your answer assumes that Trump will play by rules that he broke to get elected. Now we suddenly want him to adopt governments version of the Marquess of queensberry rules and be a good performing chap. that right old boy proper pitch and tone now. pinkey up . that's a good chap.

Trump is a bull in the political china shop . he will do it his way . If he moves the numbers and delivers on his promises without getting screwed by his many oponents then he will leave office a god. His style has only two outcomes complete and utter success or a quick exit. time will tell.
the mistake that his opponents and haters have made and continue to make is believing that he can not win. He keeps proving them wrong.


Nine Lives
I gave you a whole list off the top of my head that he has been doing as President.
So I have to come to you rather than the press to understand what Trump is enacting?
I think that was my whole point in starting this thread.

If he would learn to STFU, he might even like the press he gets.
I don't think he wants to like the Press.
He wants to use them as a punching bag and as a common enemy to bond with his supporters.
Before the election, when did the Press cover anything about the masses of the Rust Belt being pushed over to the curb?
Not saying it's right but it seems to be effective.


Staff member
So I have to come to you rather than the press to understand what Trump is enacting?
I think that was my whole point in starting this thread.

I don't think he wants to like the Press.
He wants to use them as a punching bag and as a common enemy to bond with his supporters.
Before the election, when did the Press cover anything about the masses of the Rust Belt being pushed over to the curb?
Not saying it's right but it seems to be effective.
Of course you don't have to come to me. I would be surprised if anything I listed was something you haven't heard from the MSM.

I don't doubt Trump is using the media as a punching bag. It's effective. Hell, he's got you demonizing them.

But the day will come when the president really has to do something presidential (Katrina, 9/11) and he's going to whiff completely and all but his most loyal supporters will see the sham for what it is.


Retired 23 years
Of course you don't have to come to me. I would be surprised if anything I listed was something you haven't heard from the MSM.

I don't doubt Trump is using the media as a punching bag. It's effective. Hell, he's got you demonizing them.

But the day will come when the president really has to do something presidential (Katrina, 9/11) and he's going to whiff completely and all but his most loyal supporters will see the sham for what it is.

Lets hope he handles a Katrina situation better than Bush did or a 9/11 situation better than Bush.


Nine Lives
I don't doubt Trump is using the media as a punching bag. It's effective. Hell, he's got you demonizing them.
I've been "demonizing" the Press since the early 70's.
I doubt if I had even heard of Trump back then.
The Press coverage of the Vietnam War was my first introduction to the dishonestly and misinformation of the American Press.
I haven't watched CBS news in over 40 years.


Staff member
I've been "demonizing" the Press since the early 70's.
I doubt if I had even heard of Trump back then.
The Press coverage of the Vietnam War was my first introduction to the dishonestly and misinformation of the American Press.
I haven't watched CBS news in over 40 years.
Oh. I thought this whole thread had to do with none of them being reliable anymore. But if that's been since '74, I don't see how you ever heard of CNN, MSNBC and FOX since they weren't around at the time.


Nine Lives
Oh. I thought this whole thread had to do with none of them being reliable anymore. But if that's been since '74, I don't see how you ever heard of CNN, MSNBC and FOX since they weren't around at the time.
What the :censored2: is that?

People like you are why I don't post much in Current Events.
Always trying to be a jerk rather than discuss ideas.


Staff member
What the :censored2: is that?

People like you are why I don't post much in Current Events.
Always trying to be a jerk rather than discuss ideas.
Stop being a big crybaby. Look at the title of your thread. You state CNN is losing credibility and now 5 pages in you let it be known that the media lost credibility in the 70's.

Nobody's making you post in current events you wannabe fluffer.


Well-Known Member
Back to the original topic...

I get my news from (in no particular order) the NYT, the WSJ, NPR, and the BBC.

I check out CNN and FOX for fun, but I generally discount any website, news related or not, that has ads on the bottom that open up new pages trying to sell stuff.

The NYT and the WSJ have ads, but they're not the click-bait ads you'll find on the bottom page of CNN, FOX, BREITBART, etc.

I get it - NYT leans left, WSJ leans right, BBC is British (so..), and NPR leans to the left (but they try damn hard to be objective).

The Washington Post leans mad left, but they do a great job in terms of investigative journalism.

In either case, ideally, journalists should simply report what is happening in a non-partisan way.

But, President Trump presents a very real problem for journalists: he lies constantly, repeatedly, about little and big things. Does he believe what he's saying? Who knows.

So, journalists under this administration are put in the awkward position of reporting the statements of a President who is clearly dishonest.

It's a pickle.


Well-Known Member
Of course you don't have to come to me. I would be surprised if anything I listed was something you haven't heard from the MSM.

I don't doubt Trump is using the media as a punching bag. It's effective. Hell, he's got you demonizing them.

But the day will come when the president really has to do something presidential (Katrina, 9/11) and he's going to whiff completely and all but his most loyal supporters will see the sham for what it is.

ah so Obama the community organizer had some devine gift for handling a major crisis that prevailed a sense of optimism. Meanwhile a guy who has run a billion dollar corporation successfully through thick and thin, through market ups and downs and did I say and is sourrounded by a very talented staff will suddenly wiff the first time he faces a crisis. Really?


Staff member
ah so Obama the community organizer had some devine gift for handling a major crisis that prevailed a sense of optimism. Meanwhile a guy who has run a billion dollar corporation successfully through thick and thin, through market ups and downs and did I say and is sourrounded by a very talented staff will suddenly wiff the first time he faces a crisis. Really?
Probably. He can't go a week without shooting off his mouth and creating a poop storm.


Well-Known Member
Stop being a big crybaby. Look at the title of your thread. You state CNN is losing credibility and now 5 pages in you let it be known that the media lost credibility in the 70's.

Nobody's making you post in current events you wannabe fluffer.

you do like to illustrate his point don't you.most of the players kind of took a back to seat to the normal partisan shots in this thread until you started chiming in. what an arse.


Staff member
you do like to illustrate his point don't you.most of the players kid of took a back to seat to the normal partisan shots in this thread until you started chiming in. what an arse.
I think Monkey arse can speak for himself without you breaking wind for him.