Commute time


Well-Known Member
What do you all have for a commute time? Starting to look at houses considering a commute up to 45min highway commute time which would get me out of the big city into a country type area.

currently have a15-25 min all city commute time


nowhere special
4 or 5 minutes when I worked
I probably had 5 or 6 minute drive. I gave up a good route in another building that was a 20 minute drive (if good weather and no construction) to take a crappy route closer to where I lived. It was worth it in my own time saved.


Well-Known Member
10 minutes. But Im considering moving to NC on the border of VA since VA is quickly turning into yet another liberal shathole... Used to be beautiful here. Very quiet and peaceful. But then, the "diverse ones" have all but transformed it into Afghanistan. Listening to round after round get fired off every night. Just growing tired of it. Had someone drive by the house the other night and let off 15 rounds. I went out and checked the house for bullet holes but they were likely shooting in the air cause there werent any. Either that or my neighbor got murdered.

If I have to make a 45 minute drive to work everyday just to move out into the country, Ill likely end up doing that.

Funny thing is, the gov is talking about forced covid vaccinations, and the vaccine they are talking about forcing is actually modified RNA per reports released about it, not like a typical vaccine. And since the company (Moderna>> MODifiedRNA) thats making the vaccine owns a patent on it, once the people transmute their "vaccine" into their own rna/dna, Modera will essentially own them as a "product" of theirs. Democraps literally fight to be owned, its like they miss slavery or something. Oh well, wont be my problem.


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
Currently about twenty two minutes. Prior job was variable but was typically an hour and a half. Job before that was about fifteen minutes. Shortest commute I ever had wasn't even five.